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Purrrrrfectly Unusual Cat Breeds

Cat Breeds, Cornish Rex, Manx, Rare Breeds, Sphinx

Cats are some of the most loved pets in the world. With more than 90 million cats being owned by households throughout the world, it is no hidden secret they are one of the most popular choices. Cat breed choices for houses are generally the same with a few exceptions for the true cat lover in the rare cat breed market. But, I never knew some of the weirdest cat breeds happened by accident.

Red Smoke Cornish Rex

The Red Smoke Cornish Rex breed appeared in nature spontaneously nearly 50 years ago in England. The entire breed of cats originated from one cat born to a litter in Cornwall. Breeders have since bred this cat over time with the Oriental Short hairs producing a slim cat with short wavy hair. At first glance the coat of the Rex appears to be thick and curly, but in reality the coat is very short and does not protect the cat from the elements. Since its inception in the 1950’s, the cat has become very popular and is bred to achieve a plethora of colors. The Rex, as it’s now known, exhibits defining characteristics such as a small head, large ears, slender neck, crimped whiskers, slender legs and small oval paws. The Rex is known for its vivacity and strength. It is able to jump from floor to shoulder height in one bound and is extremely playful.

Tortoiseshell Manx

The Manx first appeared in 1588 riding in with the Spanish Armada. The theory states the cat swam to the Isle of Man from a sinking ship. Though the Manx is bred in many different colors, the tortoiseshell is undoubtedly the most spectacular. This cat breed is one of the hardest to reproduce due to their genetic makeup. Characteristics include shorter front legs than back legs, long, thick coats, tall ears and little or no tail. Not all Manx cats are born with no tail. If a Manx is born with no tail there will be a dimple at the base of the spine known as a “rumpy”, on the other hand, the Manx born with a little tail is a “stumpy.” The Manx is known as a retired cat full of curiosity and a constant need for grooming.

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Brown and White Sphinx

Probably one of the most visually interesting off all cat breeds, the Brown and White Sphinx is also known as the Hairless Cat. Being recognized as one of the oldest cat breeds, the Sphinx was first seen in history during the time of the Aztecs. Since then, varieties have been noted in Canada, France, Australia, and Morocco. Contrary to the nickname, the Sphinx actually does have a very short layer of hair that needs to be groomed regularly. Unlike cat breeds with longer hair, the Sphinx should only be cleaned with a very soft cloth. The major defining characteristic would undoubtedly be the cat’s lack of hair, but the fur-covered nose, deep-set eyes and very large ears certainly set this breed apart from any other cat.

Cats are some fascinating pets. Whether you choose to own a tabby, longhair, short-hair or one of these rare breeds, it is fun and entertaining to examine some of the weirdest cat breeds.