Articles for tag: Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth I, Spanish Armada

Karla News

Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada

Queen Elizabeth I has been thought out to be one of England’s greatest monarchs. Although not having the same temper as her father, she was courageous and had a deep love for her country. Elizabeth was popular with her people and was very involved with all conflicts. In one battle, Good Queen Bess went against ...

Karla News

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

The Roanoke Colony was the first English settlement in America. It vanished. The mystery of the lost colony of Roanoke Island has baffled society for hundreds of years. A group of settlers disappeared into North America with hardly a trace and no one has seen concrete evidence of their existence in centuries. Many theories have ...

Karla News

A History of Piracy in the Caribbean

Piracy around the world can be tracked back to 1400 BC, but its effects on the Spanish started in as early as 1490, when pirates entered the Caribbean. Piracy was a highly organized and popular activity in the Caribbean. The time of pirates, pirateers, and buccaneers caused the Spanish a time of hardships on top ...

Karla News

Alternate History Movies I’d like to See

What is Alternate History? The Unchronia Alternate History site defines alternate history thus: In an alternate history, one or more past events are changed and the subsequent effects on history somehow described. This description may comprise the entire plotline of a novel, or it may just provide a brief background to a short story. Perhaps ...

Karla News

May 31st Holidays and Observances

Death of Grimaldi the Clown, 1837 Joseph Grimaldi is the most famous of British clowns, and is said to have been the original white-faced clown. He was born into the trade: his father, “Iron Legs” Grimaldi, was a pantomimist and ballet-master, and his mother was a theater dancer. He first appeared on-stage at the age ...

Karla News

Cervantes’ Don Quixote: The Rebirth of Chivalry

Spain, at the time of Cervantes, was just emerging from the Middle Ages, later than, say, Italy. It was a time when tales of knights errant and the age of chivalry had just about glutted the market for those who cared about those things. So, Cervantes created Don Quixote, a “different” sort of knight, and ...