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Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Book for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Fill your preschool reading center not only with books about trains, but also with books about airplanes and boats.

Snacks for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

It is simple to make train car snacks for preschool students. So simple that they can put the “trains” together themselves!

Give each of your preschool students five club crackers, some icing or peanut butter to use as an edible adhesive, cheerios and mini marshmallows. Show your students how to use the icing or peanut butter to “glue” the crackers into a flat car. Add the cheerios as train wheels. Place the mini marshmallows in the flat cars as cargo.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Letter: Tt for train
Number: 5 for the number of letters in the word train
Shape: rectangle
Color: black

Fine Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Construction of the above snack is a great fine motor activity!

Play dough: Let your students make train cars of various colors from play dough. They might also make some animals to put in the cars, thus making circus trains!

Gross Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!: Lead your preschool students around the preschool in a single file, moving their arms like train wheels and making chugging sounds. Every few minutes, let a different student be the train engine!

Art Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Collaborative train: Let each of your students cut a rectangle and two circles from construction paper. Have them glue the circles to the bottom of the rectangle, like train wheels. Let them color their train cars. Attach the train cars in a line on the classroom wall.

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Songs/Finger Plays for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Train finger plays and rhymes can be found here.

Pre-math Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

Set out the letters t-r-a-i-n that you have previously cut from felt or laminated construction paper. Put out an example of the word trainfor your students to use as a guide. Have them set out the letters, properly spelling the word train. Instruct your preschool students to count the number of letters in the word train. Now have your preschool students count out 5 train shapes to set beneath the 5 lettered word.

Pre-writing Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Trains

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters T and t lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. Do the same with the number 5.

For older students, provide an example of the letters T and t and the number 5. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

Write the word train on your preschool classroom’s white erase board. Let your students copy the word train on the white board with black dry erase markers.
