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Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows


Ideas for your preschool lesson plan on rainbows abound! What a fun, bright and cheerful theme! A rainbow lesson plan offers the opportunities to teach preschool students about colors and weather.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Letter: Rr
Number: 7
Shape: circle
Color: teacher’s choice of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet

Book for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Planting a Rainbow
by Lois Ehlert

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Fill your preschool reading center not only with books about rainbows, but also with books about colors and weather.

Songs/Fingerplays for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

A short song titled Great Big Rainbow by Jean Warren can be found here. It is sung to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot.

More rainbow tunes can be found at that link, as well.

Snack for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Give your students a mix of skittles and tiny white marshmallows. Tell them that the skittles are a rainbow and the marshmallows are clouds in the sky with the rainbow.

Art Center Projects for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

1. Provide watercolor paint sets and cups of water, along with sheets of white paper, for preschool students to paint their own rainbows.

2. Make bulletin board art with the participation of the entire class. Make one large rainbow of handprints, using tempera paints and butcher paper.

Pre-math Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Have the children count out seven raindrop shapes (made from construction paper) and then glue them to a number 7 printed on a piece of paper.

For older students, you might let them cut out seven raindrops themselves.

See also  Rainbow Trout Bait Basics

Pre-writing Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters R and r lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. do the same with the number 7.

For older students, provide an example of the letters R and r and the number 7. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

Small Group Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Using a magnetic white board, have the students take turns drawing a circle and then counting out 7 colorful magnets, adding them to the center of the circle.

Large Group Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Read and discuss the book Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. Encourage your preschool students to tell what kinds and/or colors of flowers are growing in their yards. Take them for a walk around the grounds to find and discuss colorful flowers and plants. Discuss the necessity of rain and sunshine for plant life. Then discuss the formation of rainbows after a rainfall.

Dramatic Play for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Fill the dramatic play center with umbrellas, raincoats and rain hats. Let the children pretend to play in the rain.

Fine Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

1. Fill the sensory table with sand. Add colorful small manipulatives (bears, cars, etc). Cover the manipulatives with the sand and let the students pick them out of the sand with their fingers.

2. Drop small colorful manipulatives (bears, cars, etc) into a shoebox-size plastic container of water. Have the students pull the maipulatives from the water using small plastic tongs.

See also  Ice Breaker Logic Puzzles

Gross Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainbows

Find some instrumental music with a strong, stormy beat. Encourage your preschool students to do a rain dance!

Enjoy this bright rainbow theme with your preschool students!