Articles for tag: Growing Flowers, Zinnias

Karla News

The Easiest Annuals to Grow in Your Flower Garden

Though some may have medicinal uses and value in other areas, it truly seems that the reason flowers exist is to pour beauty into the world. It’s a common urge amongst many people to want to bring some of this beauty into their own back yards. If you’ve never gardened before – or never tried ...

Karla News

Plant a Woodland Garden – Garden for Shady Places

Gardeners are often mystified about what to do with the shady places in the landscape. Landscapes with a lot of beautiful, valuable trees and shrubs often also have a lot of shade that makes growing flowers challenging, but not impossible. A woodland garden may simulate the look of a wild forest, Romantic willowy flowers sit ...

Karla News

Plant Petunias for a Colorful Garden

Masses of petunias fill summer beds and borders in the summer months. Some people consider petunias to be common, but there is a good reason for that. Petunias are popular to use because they are successful in gardens. These reliable, dependable bloomers reward the gardener with a summer full of colorful blooms and fragrance. Petunias ...

Karla News

Looking for Beautiful Blue Flowers?

When people are asked which color is their favorite, a great number of people chose blue as the color they like most of all. Blue is soothing, euphonious, and it’s the color of the clear sky. Blue is one of the most popular colors, and those who plant flowers and love the color blue find ...

Karla News

Forget-Me-Not Flowers

Description of Forget-Me-Not Flowers Forget-me-not flowers are definitely unforgettable, and they are personally one of my favorite flowers. Forget-me-not flowers are dainty little annual flowers that form clusters atop single stems. The colors of forget-me-not flowers are simply stunning. Forget-me-not flowers are the most beautiful shade of sky-blue or pink with white. The hearts of ...

Karla News

Tall Growing Flowers for Privacy

Flowers are great for more than just adding color and beauty to a yard. Tall growing varieties can also add privacy. A floral fence is far less expensive than a privacy fence. Consider these tall growing flowers, and add privacy to a patio, deck, front porch, or any outdoor sitting area. They require very little ...

Karla News

Beautiful Blue Bulb Flowers

There aren’t many true-blue flowers compared to all the other colors of flowers available, but there are true-blue bulb flowers that are definitely blue and exceptionally beautiful. If you love the color blue and would like to fill your bulb garden with beautiful blue flowers, consider the following true-blue bulb flowers. These blue bulb flowers ...

Karla News

Create a Garden of Fragrant Flowers

Flowers fill the air with a fragrance. Sweet, heady, exotic, and spicy fragrances perfume the air with their various scents. Fragrance is ever changing, as the flowers come and go, the fragrance is never quite the same. Romantic fragrance gardens can set the mood for a romantic evening, perfuming the air with lovely aromas. Aromatherapy ...

Karla News

Beautiful Asiatic Lilies

Asiatic lilies are stunningly bright, and their colors are extremely vivid. The color patterns and speckles on Asiatic lilies make them highly unique, and they are unlike any other lily available. Asiatic lilies are one of the most beautiful varieties you could choose to create an impressive display in your yard or garden. Where Can ...