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Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Chex Mix, Whiteboard

Books for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

The Monster at the End of this Book by Jon Stone
Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley
No Monsters Here by Sharon Jennings

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Fill your preschool reading center not only with books about monsters, but also with books about haunted houses and ghosts. Make sure that your book choices are funny and enjoyable, not scary in the least!

Snack for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Monster mash: Let your preschool students create their own snack monstrosities by mixing together their choices of foods such as cheerios, chex mix, peanuts, reese’s pieces, jelly beans, raisins and the such like.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Letter: M/m
Number: 8
Shape: circle
Color: purple

Fine Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Using different colors of play dough for different body parts, let your preschool students make funny monsters. Rolling and pinching the play dough is great for fine motor development. Designing interesting creatures is great for developing the imagination!

Gross Motor Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Give each student a funny monster mask that you purchased from a dollar store. Let your preschool students march and stomp around, grunting and groaning like funny monsters. Ask them to show you how a monster might hop, skip or jump.

Let your preschool students dance to The Monster Mash.

Art Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Circle monsters: Let your preschool students cut out construction paper circles of various sizes and colors. Give them some glue, yarn and googly eyes. Instruct them to make circle monsters! These circle monsters would look great displayed on your classroom bulletin board for the monster theme!

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Songs/Finger Plays/Rhymes for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Terrific monster rhymes and finger plays can be found at www.thebestkidsbooksite.com.

Pre-math Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

Have your students count the circles that they used to make their circle monsters.

At your preschool classroom’s flannel board, have your students roll a die to make a funny monster. For example, one preschooler might be rolling for heads. Another will be rolling for eyes, etc. Have each student put their certain number of body parts on the flannel board until a unique and funny monster has been created!

Pre-writing Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Monsters

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters M and m lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. do the same with the number 8.

For older students, provide an example of the letters M and m and the number 8. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

Write the word monster on your preschool classroom’s whiteboard and let your students copy the word at the board with dry erase markers.

Another idea is to write the word purple on the whiteboard with a purple dry erase marker. Let your preschool students copy the word at the board with purple markers.
