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Power 90 Exercise Program Review

Abdominal Exercises, Beachbody, Sculpt, Tony Horton

Power90 is one of the many available exercise programs from Beachbody Fitness. It was also one of the first complete exercises routines from Tony Horton. Since Power90 there has been many new programs developed and enhanced. Power90 is still the best program for a person to start with any exercises and it will not become boring after a few sessions.

Power90 comes with 3 DVDs that have a total of 6 exercises routines. There are 2 cardiovascular routines, 2 sculpt or strengthening routines, and 2 abdominal routines. Each set of programs includes an easier level then a more advance level. The easier levels are considered 1-2 and the more advance levels are considered 3-4. The abdominal exercises are also split into 2 levels. A program guide is also included to explain how to use the program and how to advance the exercises.

The sculpt videos are approximately 30 minutes in length and incorporate the entire body. Supplies needed for these workouts include work out clothes and something for resistance. The resistance could include weight or exercises bands. There is options for both types of resistance and how to advance as able. The exercises bands are a cheap option and are easily adjusted. The sculpt routines are not a piece of cake exercise. If a person actually puts the work into it, the exercises will be challenging but at the appropriate intensity.

The cardivoscular videos are approximately 40 minutes in length. No special supplies are needed besides normal exercise clothes and shoes. These work outs include all aspects of a normal exercise routine. The warm-up, exercises and cool-down are appropriate in length and include all aspects with each segment. The exercises are not high impact and can be modified is needed.

To monitor your progress during the video there is a countdown timer for each segment and bars that will tell your overall progress. If you are a person that might watch the clock while exercising this option might cause the exercises to feel like they are longer than they actually are.

The program guide is excellent in telling how to use the program and where to go if you have questions. The guide also lists the exercises so that you could possible do the exercises without the video. Once into the exercises a person will not be using the guide very much but it will be nice to have it on hand if needed.

Overall, this is an excellent starting program for any person wanting to start an exercise routine. Unlike buying one video, a person gets a whole exercise program. The program also allows a person to progress as he/she can. I personally enjoyed this program and have progressed to the Master series and P90X. I still use the videos from this series mixed in with certain days with P90X.
