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Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Shells: A Cook’s Best Friend

Puff Pastry

Puff pastry is one of the most impressive things a cook can prepare. When done right, it’s buttery, flaky, golden, and tender, and is the perfect accompaniment for any flavor of filling. Puff pastry is a favorite for dessert dishes, but it’s also amazing alongside meats, rice dishes, and eggs.

If it’s so amazing, why don’t we see puff pastry used more often in restaurants and in our homes? The reason is simple: puff pastry, while amazing, is extremely difficult for the ordinary cook to prepare from scratch. From the temperature of the butter, to the proportions of ingredients, to the rolling technique, everything has to be spot-on for the pastry to work its golden magic.

It would seem, then, that the magical decadence of flaky, airy puff pastry is out of the ordinary home cook’s grasp. That, despite its allure, puff pastry simply has too high a margin for error to be assessed as a reasonable culinary risk. Well, I’m no culinary risk-taker, but thanks to my grocery store’s freezer section, I have discovered a way to use puff pastry in my home easily, quickly, and whenever I want. What’s my secret? Pepperidge farm Puff pastry!

Yes, the same company that brings us goldfish crackers and amazing cookies also sells frozen puff pastry dough! It comes in large sheets that can be cut and rolled out into any imaginable shape, but for even more convenience, Pepperidge farm also sells dough that is pre-shaped into ‘shells,’ and ‘mini shells,’ which are basically little pockets that puff up when you bake them and can be filled with whatever your heart desires. They’re so impressive, and so ridiculously easy, that you’ll be tempted to add the elegance of puff pastry desserts and dishes to your family table on a nightly basis!

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I have personally used these products on several occasions, mostly as a topping for stews and soups, and as dessert vessels. Puff pastry is one of those things that’s so dynamic when it’s cooking that you’ll want to stand by your oven door and watch it through the window the whole time. This also makes it a great thing to cook with your kids, since it’s impossible to make a mess and the results are consistently good.

If you’ve never used puff pastry before, and are eager to give it a try, here’s my suggestion for your first experience with puff pastry. Buy the shells, because they’re so convenient. After letting them thaw out, simply unwrap the package, place the shells on an ungreased cookie sheet, and pop them into a 400 degree oven. Between ten and twenty minutes later they will have risen, puffed up, and turned the most satisfying shade of golden brown. Using a knife or fork, pop out the little lid that has appeared in each shell, and fill with whatever you desire! I would recommend thick, flavored whipped cream, ice cream, or heated pie filling for a quick, easy dessert. Replace the lid on top of your filling for an adorable garnish, and you will have a gorgeous, simple baked dessert without using flour or a rolling pin!