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Penalties for Not Paying Child Support: Are They Harsh Enough?

The things we could all say about parents who don’t pay child support. I think we could all go on and on for hours and hours about how we feel about this and what we feel should be done. When it comes down to it though, we really have no say.

Most parental parents don’t even realize it but when the other parent isn’t paying child support and neither parent has taken any legal action and the child remains equal to both parents… the non custodial parent still has equal rights to the child. You have to go to court and take legal action in order for the rights to be limited or taken away from the non custodial parent.

This is insain. Why should a parent who doesn’t see thier child and doesn’t pay a dime for that childs needs have any say in the childs life? It is morally wrong. It takes two people to have a child and two to take care of it. I don’t say this because I have an ex partner who doesn’t do anything for his child and never has but because I am a single mother fighting tooth and nail to provide for my child and give him the education and future he deserves while the “father” is out at bars, and working under the table and having no worries in the world.

Usually, licenses are pulled from the non custodial parent and sometimes court orders to pay are in place. Does this really take an effect? I don’t think so. They find rides from other people or drive carefully with no license. It is almost like they are getting away with it and no actions are in place for this. How can one parent now a days pay for a child alone and put them through college or even get them their first car? It is so expensive to just take care of yourself let alone a child as well.

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I think that if more parents spoke up and took some kind of legal actions on this and actually fought for different rights that this could turn in our childrens favor. It is just not right to have a child and then walk away. This alone has caused so many emotional and mental problems in children. It is a proven fact that children really suffer from this.

I feel that both parents should equally have to pay for that child and spend time with that child until the child is a grown adult and makes their owns choices. Raising your children should never been an option! If one or both parents cannot or will not equally support that child in all aspects then their should be a penalty for it. They should suffer just as that child does. No money, no clothes, no role model, no support, lack of education, etc. Anything that a child looses out on or lacks due to this immature behavior, that parent or parents should loose as well.

I cannot believe that a person can have a child and walk away like it never happened and never be punished for it. I cannot believe that it is even allowed. Taking care of your responsibility, your child, should be a law. I think it is sad to have to label it as a “law” but there are just way to many people that can just walk away and pretend it never happened.

People get thrown in jail for years on a daily basis for doing or selling drugs, murder, fraud etc. But walk away scott free from abandoning thier child. I don’t think the punishment for this is great enough and that is why it is so common and happening more and more everyday. Because they can, its ok to do this, you don’t get in trouble for this, it’s a common thing. I say its rediculous and insain that this is allowed. Not only is it hard on the parent taking responsibility but it’s hard on the child growing up and sometimes even after their grown.

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We need to fight to make this happen. We need to stand up for our children and what is right. This needs to be illegal just as the drugs, and driving with no seat belt, and fraud, and purgery, etc. Leaving your child is to in my eyes and it should be in everyone elses as well. Until it is, one or both of the parents will continue to walk away everyday.

Statistics show that 75% of children who grew up with only one parent, have children who only grow up with one parent. We need to put a stop to it now or noone ever will.