Are You Getting the Quality Sheets You’re Expecting?

Karla News

Thread count measure how many threads lengthwise and widthwise are woven, on one square inch of fabric. As well, thread count is the number of threads going each way, in one square inch of fabric. Thread Count ranges 80 to 1,200. Improvements in spinning and milling technologies have increased the number of thread counts, per … Read more



How to Raise a Dairy Steer for Profit

Karla News

Many people wonder if raising cattle is actually a profitable business. Can you make lots of money on cattle or is it only the domain of the big ranchers? First off, you have to understand the life of an average cow. Most cattle was raised in America are black or red Angus, Holstein’s, or Jersey’s, … Read more


Building a Real Boat Sandbox

Karla News

If you have an old v-bottom or flat bottom boat from 10 to 14 feet in length, but that is no longer safe to be used in the water or has too many patches, think about making it into a sandbox for your children. It is the perfect size and will be happily used by … Read more