Karla News

Owning a Doberman Pincher

Doberman, Dobermans

Are you looking for a dog that stands with great confidence? Do you need a dog that will be good to you? What about a strong built dog made for protecting? Will it be only adults in the family? Well then, the Doberman might just be your kind of dog.

Now what about you’re looking for a family dog that will get along great with the kids? How about a dog that will have no problem putting up with rowdy kids that enjoy lying on dogs and jumping over them, so on? Yeah, well, Dobermans’ may not be your kind of dog.

Who am I to decide for you? I’m not, so, I will give you some information on this breed of dog, and you can decide whether it’s your kind of dog or not. Enjoy.

The Doberman has short – rough fur that comes in the colors: black, brown, or grey. Sometimes a mixture of both black and brown can be found in some Dobermans. Black is the most common color among this breed of dog. Brown is another common color, but black furs still rank higher on the common chart. Now the grey Doberman is one of the least common Dobermans around. Most people think that a grey Doberman always means that they’re old, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes a Doberman is born with a grey tint to their fur (Dobermans like this normally have black fur that is accompanied with some grey.)

The Doberman has a strong build. Its stomach usually proves this theory. You can see the muscles in their stomach easily when they’re healthy.

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Dobermans have taller – pointed ears and a short – stubby tail. They also have long legs that make it easy for them to run. Their nose is longer than the average dog breed, thus allowing more space for the nasal passage, which allows them to breath easier while running.

General Temperament:

Dobermans can be very timid dogs when they want to be, but boy can they get aggressive. The general attitude of the Doberman is playful (at times to normally adults), energetic, watchful, territorial (toward strangers in their owners home not the owner themselves), obedient, and very determined.

Don’t get me wrong; the Doberman can be very timid around children, too. But I cannot guarantee this satisfaction. Only the dog can.

Average life span:

The Doberman Pincher lives an average life span of 12 or 13 years of age. But with a good – caring owner that treats the dog well and keeps him/her in good health, then you could expect a extra 3 to 4 years out of your Doberman.

Average size for both male and female:

As do other dog breeds, the Dobermans’ size will depend on the gender of dog you have. Male Doberman’s can stand 28″ high, but usually 27 ½”. A female Doberman can 26″ high, but usually 25″.

The average weight for the male Doberman is usually somewhere between 70 and 85 pounds. The average weight for a female is usually somewhere between 65 and 75 pounds. Although, this breed of dog can weigh up to 90 or 100 pounds, however, this is not healthy and could cause health problems with your Doberman.

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Hopefully this helps you decide if the Dobermans temper is fit for you and/or your family. Maybe it will also help you make the decision of “do I have enough room for this breed of dog?”

I wish you the best while you search for your new pet dog!