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Very Special Breed Profile: Doberman Pinscher

Breed Profile, Doberman, Doberman Pinscher, Dobermans

This profile today is very special for a reason! I was surfing the web this past weekend and came across a great video (see the middle of this post). This video led me to www.SecondChanceDobes.com and my article was inspired by them! Second Chance Dobes is a non-profit organization whose objective is to foster, rehabilitate and help find abandoned Doberman Pinschers a new home. I believe in this cause very much. If you can help in any way (or you would like to adopt a Doberman Pinscher) please visit their website: Second Chance Dobes

Physical Description of the Doberman Pinscher:

Height: 25-27 inches

Weight: 65-90 pounds

Life Expectancy: up to 13 years

The Doberman Pinscher is a elegant and powerful-looking dog. This breed is considered medium-large and they are known for their intelligence and loyalty. The coat of a Doberman Pinscher is very short and close to the skin and can come in the following colors: black, black & tan, blue-gray, red, fawn and white. Their eyes have an expressive look and their ears (as well as tail) are usually cropped around 12 weeks (ears) and 3 days (tail).

Personality of the Doberman Pinscher:

This breed is very smart, and is easy to train. They are very quick, agile, and is considered a very people oriented breed. Dobermans love to be physically close to their family, and will be protective and affectionate towards family members.

When training a Doberman, it is very important that you handle to dog in the correct way. This breed may become pushy and assertive, so you need to have every member of your family in on training and handling the dog. Dobermans are naturally inclined to be protective, so they make excellent watch dogs. This breed does well in a family, but you should consider getting your Doberman when your children are at a young age so they may grow up together and form a very close bond.

See also  Guinea Pig Behavior Guide

Exercising your Doberman Pinscher:

They are a very energetic breed and must be taken on daily vigorous walks. Active owners would do well with Dobermans – they can be taken on jogs and will keep up with you. Dobermans are trained to work with police, military, and search and rescue – be sure you have something that will stimulate them mentally as well this is great for the overall health of your Doberman!

Living Requirements for Your Doberman Pinscher:

The best place for a Doberman is in a house with and average sized backyard. An apartment will be okay, but you have to make sure you get her outside and get her plenty of exercise. Because the Doberman has such short hair, they can not tolerate cold weather and should not be left outside for extended periods of time.

Common Health Issues of the Doberman Pinscher:

The most commonly associated disease with Dobermans is Von Willebrands disease. This is n inherited blood disorder and you should have your dog checked at the vet for this condition. Other issues common to the Doberman include: wobbler syndrome (caused by the fusion of the neck vertebrae and compression of the spinal cord), bloat , hip dysplasia, and congenital heart disorders. Before purchasing a puppy, I strongly recommend getting her checked out by a veterinarian!!
