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Nature’s Miracle, Just for Cats: Stain & Odor Remover

Nature's Miracle, Odor Remover, Odors, Pet Odors, Urine Stains

Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ Stain & Odor Remover is a wonderful product for any cat owner to have on hand. It contains natural enzymes that help to eliminate urine stains and odors and many other cat odors and stains. Nature’s Miracle® is available online and at many pet stores.

What I like about Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ :

This product does not just cover up bad pet odors, it actually eliminates the odors. A cat’s sense of smell is significantly stronger than a human’s and they are not fooled by products that merely cover up odors. Once a cat has urinated or defecated in an area, it will be drawn back by the scent and will associate the spot with urinating or defecating. The only way to prevent a cat from being drawn this way is to eliminate the odor entirely.

Nature’s Miracle® does not contain heavy perfumes. Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ does contain a natural citrus scent, but it is very light and fresh. It is not at all overwhelming like some other pet odor products are.

Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ is Guaranteed or they will refund your money. I’ve never tested this, however, and so I don’t know how difficult it would be to get a refund if someone truly was dissatisfied with the product.

What I like least about Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ :

Treated upholstery and carpeting takes a long time to dry, and must be well-saturated with the product to remove the odors.

Product Features:

This product can be used on floors, furniture, clothing and carpets. It can be used as a laundry pre wash stain and odor remover. It comes in a variety of sizes, from small spray bottles, 32 oz bottles, and larger sizes. Before using on larger areas, a small area should be tested for color fastness. Although this product is said to be safe around children and pets, you should keep them away from treated areas until the product has dried.

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Final Comments about this Product:

I recommend Nature’s Miracle® Just for Cats™ for all cat owners. It seems to be a safe and effective way of taking care of many common odors and it is not overly expensive. I have used Nature’s Miracle® products for many years with good results. Some stains and odors are more difficult than others, and few products will be one hundred percent effective on everything. This product, and other Nature’s Miracle® brand products I have used have surpassed other brands I have tried.
