Articles for tag: Cough Drops, Coughing, Drugstore.Com, The Rite

Karla News

Bee M.D. Organic Honey Throat Drops

Having a sore throat along with coughing can be bothersome and finding natural cough drops to help relieve coughing and soothe your sore throat can be difficult to find as well. However I have found some fantastic organic cough drops that taste great and helps stop your coughing and soothes yours sore throat. These organic ...

Fast Sore Throat Pain Relief

There are many ways to soothe sore throat pain. Cough drops, throat lozenges, and sprays often provide relief. Rinses such as salt water, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar or mouthwash also bring satisfying results. However, a friend recently introduced me to the fastest sore throat remedy I have ever tried. Sore throats can be scratchy or achy. ...

Mucinex Dm Stops Nagging Coughs and Decongests

I have had allergies my entire life. First, it was just the normal, seasonal hay fever when I lived with my parents in the city. Once I got married, we moved to a small village out in the country. Then my allergies would trigger in spring, summer and fall. Once we moved to the farm ...

Pros and Cons of Cough Drops

If you look in the cold and flu aisle of any supermarket or pharmacy, you’ll see a lot of different cough drops. There are different manufacturers and even among the same brands, there are different ingredients. How do you choose? Are they all safe for everyone, all the time? Those are good questions. Pros Cough ...

Karla News

Natural Ways to Stop a Cough

A cough can be extremely irritating. What starts out as a little tickle in the throat becomes a hacking fest that continues day and night. Over-the-counter medicine sometimes works, but the side effects are often as unpleasant as the symptoms it is supposed to treat. Instead of using over-the-counter medications, consider the following natural ways ...

Karla News

How to Make Homemade Herbal Cough Drops

Making herbal cough drops is very easy to do. It is also very satisfying and healing to make one’s own medicine. For generations people have used herbal throat lozenges to soothe coughs and bronchial ailments. These homemade lozenges will be great to have on hand during the upcoming cold and flu season! Obviously these will ...

Karla News

Review: Walgreen’s Homeopathic Zinc Lozenges

This past Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. It was bothering me to the point I felt I needed something so I ended up driving up the street to Walgreen’s in search of something. At the time, it felt like I had a cold starting and, I have found zinc therapy drugs like ...

Horehound: Grandma’s Cough Drops

Horehound (marrubium vulgare) has a long history as a medicinal herb. Through the centuries it has been used to repel scorpions, flies and spiders from the garden. Horehound has also been used to cleanse the eyes and ears, rid people of jaundice, help with childbirth and in large doses, work as a laxative. In ancient ...