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Mother’s Day Craft Ideas: Simple Gifts Kids Can Make

Craft Ideas for Kids

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day. It has many different origins, from the holiday Matronalia, which celebrated the Roman Goddess Juno, to a 16th century Christian practice called “Mothering Sunday”, in which one day of the year people would visit their mother church therein reuniting with their mothers on that day. Whatever its origin may be, Mother’s day is now a day to praise and thank your mother for all of her hard work. Here are some simple Mother’s Day craft ideas for kids, so that they can show their mothers how special they are.

Sometimes young children have trouble expressing how they feel. Help them express themselves with this adorable personalized Mother’s Day card craft!

What You’ll Need:
A picture of the child and their mother together
A sheet of construction paper (Any bright color, no blacks or browns)
A black marker
A pencil

Start by folding the construction paper in half, to make a card. On the outside of the card write “My Mother” with the black marker. Next, help the child put glue onto the back of the picture. Glue the picture to the inside of the card on the first page. Move to the next page and, using the marker, write “My Mom Makes the Best ______” under that write “My Mom Smells Like _____” then “The Thing I Like Best About My Mom is _____” next write “My Favorite Thing to do With My Mom is _____” and anything else you would like to add. Finally, at the bottom write “Love _____”. Have the child use a pencil to fill in the blanks.

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You now have a cute personalized Mother’s Day card that the child’s mother can cherish forever.

Every woman loves flowers, even Mom! But flowers can be a little impersonal and they die quickly. A personalized flower vase is perfect for the flower loving mom. Help your child make this adorable finger print flower vase craft for Mother’s Day that will bring her happiness for years to come.

What You’ll Need:
A glass jar
Finger paint
Sponge cut into a dime size circle

This one is pretty simple. Make sure the jar is nice and clean. Start by dipping the sponge in one of the finger paint colors (I recommend yellow or green, but, any color is fine) and place a few dots sporadically onto the jar. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of space between each dot. Now, depending on the child’s age, you can either help them place their finger into the paint and then onto the jar or they can do it themselves. Have the child place their finger around the center dot, so that their fingerprints make flower petals. Continue until each dot has been transformed into a flower.

Voila! A sweet simple-to-make Mother’s Day flower pot craft that any mom will adore.

A mother’s work is never done, so this year, why not give mom the gift of help. This Mother’s Day coupon book craft is perfect for children of any age. Yes that’s right, even teens.

What You’ll Need:
A sheet of construction paper
A stapler
A few sheets of unlined paper
A pen
A marker
Some stickers

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Start out by cutting the construction paper in half. This will make the front and back cover of the coupon book. Next, cut the sheets of unlined paper so that they are the same height and length of the construction paper. Use the pen to write something you or the child will do for their mother. This will vary depending on age, such as “I will clean up my toys” for younger kids or “I will help clean the house” for older kids. Some other ideas include “We will spend one evening doing the activity of your choice”, “I will help cook dinner one evening”, or “I will do the dishes one evening”. There’s a plethora of ideas you can put onto the coupons. Just make sure you only write on one side of the coupon, so that she can tear it out to use it. Next, arrange the coupons with one piece of construction paper on at the front of the stack and one at the back, and staple them together. Use the marker to write “Coupons for Mom” on the front cover and the stickers to decorate the book.

There you have a thoughtful Mother’s Day craft that mom will love and highly appreciate.

For some extra fun, here’s some different ways to say “Mom”:




