Karla News

Morning Sickness Relief for Pregnant Mothers

So many pregnant mother’s to-be complain about morning sickness. This disadvantage to being pregnant seems to bother so many women, yet very few are lucky enough to find relief from their daily nausea. I came across a few products that claimed to cure women of their morning sickness so I decided to investigate these claims and see if the products came through. I got in touch with a company called Three Lollies. They offer products such as Preggie Pops, Preggie Pop Drops. They also manufacture Queasy Pops and Queasy Drops and another Queasy product which can be given to children for nausea. What caught my eye specifically was that they are all naturally flavored, and contain all natural essential oils that have been known to help cure nausea. They also provide relief from dry mouth, and give extra calories and energy. The pops and drops are recommended not only during pesky pregnancy symptoms but also during labor.

Preggie Pops and Drops were created by healthcare professionals with the intent to create a product that would provide the relief pregnant women so desire, without using any form of medication or any other substance that could harm an unborn child. Flavors range from sour raspberry, sour tangerine, sour lemon, green apple, ginger, lavender, peppermint and spearmint. It’s been believed in the past that anything sour can be used to relieve the feeling of nausea and flavors such as the ones that Preggie Pops and Drops come in can also assist in combating the dreaded morning sickness. That queasy feeling can have different causes as well such as low blood sugar so the sugar and the corn syrup in the candy can be a simple cure. For those mom’s to be who deal with gestational diabetes, sugar free pops and drops are also available.

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For those women who have yet to let the world in on their good news, the Preggy Drops are just small cough-drop-sized candies that you can melt in your mouth as often as you like. They work so well, nobody will know you’re in combat with morning sickness. The whole line of Three Lollies products are kosher certified and can be purchased in large quantities at discounted rates. However, the price of the candies are not overly expensive based on the natural ingredients and the relief you will be getting. A package of 7 pops are almost $4, and a container of 21 drops are almost $6 (plus shipping of course). You can also use the store locator on the Three Lollies website to see if there are any stores in your area that carry the products (www.threelollies.com).

I decided to try these curing candies out for myself. I was shocked at how well they actually worked. I must admit I was a bit skeptical that a plain old sucker could stop nausea in its tracks but it was amazing how quickly the feeling passed once the sour candy touched my palette. The best part is the flavors are great and they don’t have any odd or medicinal aftertastes. You really feel like you’re just eating a piece of candy, but the benefits far outweigh anything an average piece of sour bulk candy could provide. If you’re suffering from morning sickness it’s worth your time to give Preggie Pops and Preggie Drops a try. You will be shocked at how well they work and quickly the thought of feeling sick leaves your mind. The products work best when used at the first signs of nausea. You can find more information online and read the list of testimonials of other people who rave about these products. Just visit www.threelollies.com.

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