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Morning Sickness Home Remedies

Home Remedy, Morning Sickness

It finally happened. You’re pregnant. Yet, along with the joyful news, morning sickness is upon you. What do you do? You might have already rushed to the pantry for a quick morning sickness home remedy. What do you have in that pantry that can be turned into a quick home remedy?

The answer is you probably have more than you think. Our pantries are the perfect hideaway for home remedy ingredients. The more you know, the more you can be prepared. Now, let’s get right to quick remedies for morning sickness. You might have it now, but let’s help you get rid of morning sickness quick!

What is Morning Sickness?
Morning sickness is all about nausea. During the first trimester, many women have morning sickness, or severe upset stomachs. If you are feeling queasy for no apparent reason, you might be having morning sickness.

Morning Sickness Good News:

The sickness is usually over by week 10 to 12. That’s the good news. Until then, you’ve got to find remedies that will keep the morning sickness away. Every individual body is different so it’s important to test out a few different morning sickness remedies.

Morning Sickness Symptoms:
Nausea is the number one morning sickness symptom. Having an upset stomach can last for minutes or hours. Quite frankly, it can mess up your day the second the nausea begins. Does this sound familiar, ladies?

Morning Sickness Home Remedy: Peppermint Tea
It sounds so easy but having a cup of hot peppermint tea can be the perfect morning sickness remedy. For best results, drink first thing in the morning. Keep it handy through the day for relief! If you have a portable tea pot, make a full pot so it’s available throughout the day.

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Also, mint can curb the morning sickness. Start your day off with inhaling the peppermint as well as drinking it. Just take long deep breaths as you hold your cup of tea. If you’re a tea drinker, you probably already do this.

Morning Sickness Home Remedy: Ginger Tea
Some may like ginger, while others detest this one. This is a very simple morning sickness home remedy. Boil your water for the tea. Once it comes to a full boil, add to a large teapot. Add a chunk of ginger to the tea. Add the teabag. Let this simmer. Ginger is known to calm nausea and get rid of morning sickness. Add honey to taste.

Morning Sickness Home Remedy: Eat Small Meals
Instead of eating large meals; try eating snacks throughout the day. Then for your main meals, eat smaller portions. Eating snacks like fruit or vegetables can also help curb the morning sickness.

Morning Sickness Tips:
Slowly stand up. Don’t make any sudden movements. Getting up quickly can really upset the stomach. For best results, slowly get up in the morning and each time you get up.

Stay hydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Flavored water is a wonderful way to drink water and it actually taste good.
Rest is vital. Pregnancy can be exhausting. Make sure you stay rested to keep morning sickness to a minimum.
Ginger cookies can settle your stomach. Begin the morning with a ginger cookie to avoid morning sickness. Keep them available throughout the day for when morning sickness comes.

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Eat only what feels well on your stomach. If your stomach gets queasy at the thought of a particular food item, stay away from it. Use your instinct to know what you can eat and not.

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