Karla News

Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel: Watch Out Zits!

Mary Kay

I hate pimples. Everybody does. Show me a person that cheers when a zit shows up, and I’ll do a naked jog from Montauk to Manhattan.

It’s not just the teenagers that suffer from the occasional blemish. I’m 27 years old, and I still break out every now and again. You’ll always know by looking at my skin when it’s “that time of the month.” Instead of the smooth, clear skin I usually have, I look like a strawberry patch. (Okay, maybe not that bad, but you catch my drift.) It’s awful.

The blemish(es) that I get usually appear right before an important event: job interview, big date, party… you get the idea. It’s as though they know when to show up. Since they arrive so quickly, I need something to get rid of them just as fast.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of products on the market that promise that your skin will be clear immediately, and they just don’t deliver. Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel, however, isn’t one of these products. It actually works. With just one application, you will see a difference in your skin. Since it contains 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, how could you not see some quick results?

Due to the Benzoyl Peroxide in this product, my skin does dry out a bit. Mary Kay expects this to happen. There is a warning on the package that reads, “Because excessive drying of the skin may occur, start with one application, then gradually increase to two or three times daily if needed or as directed by a doctor. If bothersome dryness or peeling occurs, reduce application to once a day or every other day.” I usually don’t have dry skin, but the Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel dries out my skin along with the pimples. To avoid continuous problems, I just use it on the affected area when a pimple shows up. When it disappears, I stop using it.

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That is how I use Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel. The instructions on the tube read, “Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying medication. Cover the entire affected area with a thin layer one to three times daily.” More applications eradicates the unsightly blemish quicker, but really dries out your skin. (Nothing a little moisturizer won’t take care of, though.)

Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel is packaged in a long, slender, plastic 1.5 oz. tube. The tube is white with silver lettering and a silver cap. It comes in a cardboard box with the same style lettering and colors. I guess Mary Kay has a new look, since a lot of their products aren’t in the trademarked pink packaging. This tube fits neatly into a purse, so it is very portable. The top of the tube is tapered off to allow better control of the amount you squeeze out, thus maximizing usage.

I purchased my tube from my Mary Kay consultant for $11 in September 2003. none months later, I still have about half a tube left. Unfortunately, it expires this September, so I will have to get a new one. That’s not bad, though: Less than $1 per month too control of my pimples.

Overall, Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel is a great product. I wouldn’t recommend it to people with sensitive and/or dry skin. This product is probably best for normal, combination and oily skin types.

If you experience minor acne flare-ups or even the lone zit every now and again, Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel is a great product to help you keep it under control.

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**If you need a Mary Kay Consultant, please email me and I will put you in touch with a great one located in Palmdale, CA!
