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Manifest Helpful People when Unemployed

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If you have difficulty getting help when you need it, consider applying correct Feng Shui treatments to your home in order to attract Helpful People. Since unemployment is at an all-time high, why not begin putting Feng Shui energy to work manifesting Helpful People to assist with your job search?

Feng Shui operates on the basis there is subtle energy in our home. Blocked energy, caused by clutter, will create stagnant energy. Sharp corners deflect energy and send it speeding through our home. Our intent is to balance and tweak energy in the Helpful People area of your home to obtain highest and best results.

Could you benefit from a spiritual advisor or mentor? Would more customers help your business boom? Do you need an important person to guide and direct your career? Are family members or friends are annoying you?

Proper treatment of Feng Shui will attract powerful people and you will find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet them!

Feng Shui Defined

Feng Shui (wind and water) is the Chinese art of placement. With the correct use of Feng Shui in our homes, we invite auspicious Ch’i (energy) to flow in a harmonious and supportive manner.

Feng Shui Attracts Helpful People

You do not need to be a Feng Shui master to attract Helpful People!

We will narrow the focus of our Feng Shui tweaks to one small section of your home. I will provide correct information, so that you may begin attracting Helpful People into your life.

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Visualize your home as a square and divide that square into nine smaller squares. The Helpful People area is located in the front right section. When you enter your dwelling, look right and you are there.

Enhancing Helpful People Section

Take time to choose what appeals to you from the following:

1. Pictures: either select from pictures you already possess or purchase: angel, saint, goddess or former teachers, mentors or spiritual leaders.

2. Figurines: Buddha angels, objects associated with your religious or belief system.

3. Quotes/Affirmations: either purchase or make framed quotes/affirmations related to Helpful People.

Helpful People Colors

This area of Feng Shui is energized by metal, so that white, gray and black symbolize Helpful People. Incorporate Helpful People colors through above enhancements, wall paint or wall hanging.

Affirmation Defined

Think of affirmations “as if”. Affirmations are written and practiced “as if” they were already present in your everyday reality. In essence, you are retraining your subconscious to think “new thought”. All the old programming tapes will be replaced with positive ideas and concepts. Affirmations will “make firm” the auspicious energy you are creating with Feng Shui.


You may use the suggested affirmations or create your own.

1. Helpful People appear in my life, as if by magic.

2. I am in the right place, at the right time to attract the right Helpful People.

3. I am a helpful person to other people. The more I have, the more I give.

4. I am now attracting powerful Helpful People into my life.

5. For the unemployed: I now have a well-paying, satisfying job.

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6. Helpful people come to me easily and effortlessly.

7. I give thanks for all the mentors in my life.

Miracle Working Power of Feng Shui and Affirmations

I made my first affirmation in 1964. I was 21 and had a capital “P” problem at work. After two months of stating my affirmation 15 times morning and night, the Problem resolved in a miraculous manner.

My best friend and I began our Feng Shui journey together in 2000. We treated our homes one area at the time. Feng Shui can be difficult, or when correctly explained, it can be easy. By introducing one phase at a time, I trust I may help make it easier for you.

Let me be your living proof that by combining Feng Shui and Affirmations, you may expect miracles.

Final Word:

Whatever metaphysical practice you begin will not manifest your desire immediately. Universal time is not clock time. Stay true to your practice and you will see powerful results.

May you be blessed with important and powerful Helpful People!

Source: Personal Experience

“Western Guide to Feng Shui” Terah Kathryn Collins”The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” Dr. Joseph Murphy