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Makeup Tutorial: How to Cover a Bruise with Makeup

Have you ever gotten accidentally hit while playing sports or injured at school or work? Bruises happen to everyone at one time or another. They can cause small or large, light or dark discolored patches of skin on nearly any area of the body. Fortunately, there are many ways to hide a bruise from sight. Makeup can be used to cover a bruise by adding skin tone colors over the bruised area to match the surrounding areas of skin. Learn more about bruises, how to promote sufficient healing, and how to effectively hide a bruise with makeup.

Understand How Bruises Form

While makeup can be used to hide a bruise temporarily, only proper healing can get rid of it faster and reduce its appearance in a shorter amount of time. A bruise, also referred to as a contusion or ecchymosis, may form when blood vessels (capillaries) become damaged near the surface of the skin due to impact. When something disrupts the blood vessels, such as getting hit by a ball, the vessels rupture into the tissues that lay under the skin. This typically results in the area of skin turning black and blue. Bruises go through a cycle of healing stages that last for up to 2 weeks on average. At first, a bruise may appear red, then purple, blue, or black within 2 days. Bruises then take on a yellow or greenish tint between 5 and 10 days. The bruise may then turn a light brown before it gradually fades away.

Promote Healing

Taking the proper measures to promote healing is a major step in hiding a bruise. Use the following tips to help heal your bruise faster:

  • Apply a cold pack or ice pack to the bruised area directly after the bruise forms and for several days thereafter. Wrap a towel around the cold pack to prevent the cold from damaging the skin and tissues.
  • Elevate the bruised area. This helps to reduce the flow of blood to the bruise, therefore, minimizing its color formation. Prop the body part on a pillow for comfort and rest the area as much as possible.
  • If the bruised area of skin also contains skin that is broken or cut, be sure to clean the area well to prevent infection. For more major skin or tissue injuries, see your doctor for proper treatment.
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Depending on the cause of severity of the injury, bruises may worsen. Keep an eye on the appearance of the area to watch for signs of infection or inflammation that may lead to more serious conditions. If the bruised or surrounding area becomes red, hot to the touch, or painful to touch, seek medical care.

Cover the Bruise with Makeup

Concealer is the general cosmetic of choice when covering dark patches of skin, such as a bruise. Makeup should only be used on bruised areas that are free of cuts, nicks, and stitches. Choose a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free concealer that has a yellow-tint and thick consistency. The yellow tint is needed to offset the blue discoloration of the bruise. Gradually apply light layers of the concealer to the bruise area. Pat the skin with your fingertip to gently blend the concealer in with the surrounding skin tone. Mauve-colored lipstick can also be blended with the foundation for more coverage. Finish by brushing a layer of translucent powder over the concealer to set the makeup. Continue to add more concealer or foundation to the area as needed to cover the bruise.

Fitness Magazine – Makeup to Conceal a Bruise
Medicine Net – After Cosmetic Surgery: Covering Bruises

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