Categories: Dieting & Weight Loss

Losing Weight the Lazy Way!

What is the number one component to successful weight-loss? No, not exercise – it is quite simply, being alive! Your beating heart, breathing lungs and functioning brain (among all the other organs!) consume more calories than aerobic exercise in and of itself. So for those of us who intend on but rarely get around to vigorous physical activity, what can be done to boost the number of calories burned by do nothing at all? The answer, thank God, is plenty!

First of all, wake up!

Now, stretch. Then, stretch some more! Bend forwards, backwards and sideways – as many ways as you can think of – continuously, for five full minutes. Stop whining, and just do it; you’ll thank me later, I promise. While we sleep, our metabolism slows and our body temperature decreases. Stretching first thing in the morning awakes the muscles by giving blood-flow a swift kick in the pants. It’s the same thing that morning cup of Joe does, only naturally and right off the bat!

Speaking of Joe, while you’re waiting on it to brew, drink a tall glass of ice-cold water. This forces the body to work even harder to raise its temperature, thus burning more calories. Try cutting the sugar out of your morning routine, which for those of us who’ve long adjusted to it, may prove somewhat challenging as your blood chemistry has adjusted to this malefic routine. If you put three teaspoons of sugar in your coffee, cut it down to two; cut two down to one, and if you only put one teaspoon of sugar in your coffee, what’s the point anyway? Cream is fine, though if you use non-dairy creamer for any other reason than lactose-intolerance, treat yourself to real half-and-half. The body was made to process natural foods, not chemicals.

Step away from the doughnuts. You may crave the instant spike of energy but its hell on your brain. Instead, have eggs. Two or three – forget all that talk about cholesterol the USDA fed us in the last two decades. We now know that eggs, while high in cholesterol, are far more beneficial than dangerous. They contain fourteen unique nutrients to keep you going strong throughout the day, including protein, which studies show, requires about 25% more energy to digest than crap like sugar, keeping you fuller, longer. While you’re at it, throw some cheese on those eggs! Great advice, huh? Though it’s high in saturated fat, it also contains twice the calcium of milk and all the tasty, cheesy goodness to satisfy even the biggest hunger.

And as for milk, pour yourself a great big glass of that, too. Skim, if you got it; but hey, if you prefer whole milk, it’s “good fat,” right? OK, not really, but as with the eggs, the health benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. And we’re gonna be doing all kinds of good stuff throughout the day to burn calories, so don’t worry – just drink the milk! Calcium is proven to aid in losing or maintaining weight.

Stay away from white bread, too. It’s pure sugar and whole grain bread toasts up just as well. It’s one of those things you’re just going to have to get over! If you want to make a sandwich on white bread, well, there’s not much I can do about that; but this is breakfast we’re talking about! Hungry for more? Potatoes, though starchy, are high in potassium, so if you want to fry up some hash-browns, go for it, but invest in a big bottle of grape seen oil. It’s packed with Omega-3’s to improve circulation and braincell production, something your boss will appreciate.

Drop the ketchup! It’s sugar, sugar and more sugar. Amazing how much of what we eat is packed with it! Grab the salsa, instead. The peppers are packed with antioxidants and cooked tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, something men should read up on. If… and I do mean if… you must have ketchup, grab a tablespoon measure from the drawer and portion out a serving or two – do not just squeeze a mountain of ketchup onto your plate!

Before I go on, I want to head off the inevitable “Eating healthy is too expensive” complaint. According to brilliant columnist and author, Michael Pollan, Americans spend less of their budget on food than any other culture in the human history. And we’re the most obese. You do the math. Cut corners anywhere else, but when it comes to diet and nutrition, boost your budget and eat better – your waistline will thank you.

Now let’s focus on the second most important aspect of a lazy person’s diet: fiber. Women need 35 grams daily; men, 45. Sorry, guys. How do you get it? The average apple, including its peel, has 4 grams. An orange, 5. Get this: a grapefruit packs a whopping 10 grams of fiber if you eat it like an orange. Prunes, raspberries, raisins and strawberries are all equally high in fiber (about 3 grams per serving). Kashi-brand cereals are all really nutritious as are nuts, which are fiber, protein and Omega-6 powerhouses. Last but not least, beans – my fiber of choice! A mere quarter cup of any beans will contain anywhere from 5 to 15 grams of fiber as well as high-quality protein. Every day I eat a mixed bean soup to contain about 30 grams of fiber. I know what you’re thinking but after a few days, your digestive tract adjusts and the gas goes away. Not to mention that your movements will be absolutely glorious. You’ll never feel better! I cook mine from raw but if you don’t have the time, be sure to pick canned beans that are not cooked with copious amounts of sugar, like ranch- or Boston-style.

Don’t think of lunch and dinner as a free-for-all but remember than deprivation is the opposite of nutrition. Whatever your food choices, remember to eat slowly, chew thoroughly and stop eating as soon as you feel satisfied. Over-eating expands your stomach causing you to feel hungry again, sooner, then requiring more food to feel satisfied. A dangerous Catch 29 only self-control can defeat! By simply eating this tasty breakfast and a couple cups of beans, you’ll already feel fuller, more energized and ready to incorporate some of these healthful practices into your daily routine.

Metabolism Boosters!

* Muscle! Muscle burns more calories than any other body tissue (around 20% of your overall calorie intake), so do those push-ups!

* Do not skip meals – especially breakfast! Steady consumption of small quantities of foods (preferably raw vegetables and fruits) throughout the day will keep your digestive tract and metabolism chugging’ along. Starving yourself only slows metabolism.

* Protein! Protein helps regulate insulin production, which helps your body burn calories rather than store them.

* Get your heart rate up first thing in the morning! This keeps your metabolism going higher throughout the day.

* Get moving! Park at the back of the lot, take the stairs and hide the remote. Little things count!

* Get adequate sleep! Sleep deprivation throws off your circadian rhythm and affects hormone production that can lead to more calories being stored than burned.

* Drink tea! Properly brewed, green tea contains copious amounts of antioxidant EGCG. Other teas contain other antioxidants, such as catechin polyphenols and flavonoids (also found in cocoa!) and reduces resistance to leptin, akin to insulin, which regulates energy intake by suppressing appetite. Like insulin, the body can become resistant, leading to clinical obesity, just as insulin resistane creates diabetes. If you can’t get enough of this in your diet to make a difference, pick up a bottle of green tea supplement capsules.

* Drink COLD water. Ice cold water forces your body to work harder to maintain its natural temperature. It’s kind of like exercising without the exercise! (Theoretically, one liter of cold water makes the body use 36 calories.)

* Do NOT starve yourself. This forces the body into a biological reaction of STORING calories because it thinks “If I’m going to be deprived of sustinence, I should store as much of this (as fat) as possible.”

Metabolism-boosting foods include:

Spinach, asparagus, broccoli, beans (soy, lentils, navy, black), melon, fish, eggs, almonds, peanuts, oatmeal.

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