Karla News

Local Fourth of July Fireworks

I love fireworks; when they are done by professionals, not my neighbor down the street. Fourth of July is of course, the best holiday to view them. I have such fond memories of this holiday with festivals, cookouts, family, friends, and of course, fireworks. Fourth of July fills you with a sense of pride and nationalism. Living in a military town and being married to an ex-Marine, that feeling is amplified. It is not hard to find fireworks on Independence Day; you might not even have to leave your house. But, I decided to share some of the bigger fireworks displays in or close to Jacksonville, North Carolina.

Onslow Pines Park. Join Onslow County in celebrating the Fourth of July with their 28th Annual Freedom Festival at Onslow Pines Park in Jacksonville! The festival begins at 3:00pm on the fourth with various vendors, food, and entertainment. Listen to the music of The Four Knights as they take the stage at 5:00pm. The beautiful fireworks display begins at approximately 9:00pm. Entrance to park and parking is free! Vendor information and email listed on webpage for questions. Freedom Festival

Camp Lejeune
. The large marine base in Jacksonville will open up to the public at 4:30pm with plenty of food, vendors, and activities for kids, including inflatables. There will be a Naturalization ceremony at 6:30pm. Live entertainment begins at 5:30pm with Bobbi Allen, Jane Dear Girls, and 2d Marine Division Band. Event and parking is free. Fireworks will commence at sundown and will be set to patriotic music. Please be sure to allow extra time to pass through the security gate at the front and leave pets, alcohol, sparklers, and personal fireworks at home. There will be plenty of parking within walking distance to the event field. Camp Lejeune Fourth of July Celebration

See also  Great Pumpkin Patches in Northern Virginia

Fireworks Cruise on the Crystal Coast Lady.
Morehead City. Try something different this Fourth of July! Enhance the fireworks experience by taking an evening cruise! The ship will leave at approximately 7:30 and includes a Scenic Harbor tour, sunset, and fireworks. Food, refreshments, alcohol will be available for purchase. Approximate return time is 9:30. Find more details and cost at the Crystal Coast Lady .

Riverfront Celebration.
5:00pm to 9:30pm in historic downtown Wilmington. Celebrate by the river this year with entertainment by the Daniel Parish Band. Parking will be free on the street and $5.00 in the parking decks. Bring a radio to listen to music during the fireworks! Some streets will be closed and there will be detours so check the website and your local news for more details. Fireworks will be broadcast on WECT. Fourth of July Riverfront Celebration .

Whatever you decide to do this Fourth, have fun, be safe, and remember why we are celebrating!