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Little Known Facts About Tiger Woods

Kelly Tilghman, Little Known, Little Known Facts, Sam Snead

Finding little known facts about Tiger Woods is a needle in a haystack proposition. His early entry into the world of golf , his record breaking performances, his multiple appearances in sports record books, none of these can be called little known facts about Tiger Woods. Anyone could guess from the steady controlled demeanor Tiger generally displays on the golf course that we are only seeing part of the picture and that beneath the veneer there are some interesting but little known facts about Tiger Woods that demand a closer look.

Television Appearances If you have turned on the television to watch a major golf championship in the last ten years it is likely that you have seen the concentrated expression and outstanding play of Tiger Woods. His incredible shots and amazing finishes have kept Tiger front and center on national television.

A little known fact about Tiger Woods, however, is that he made television appearances long before he ever played on the PGA circuit. Tiger Woods picked up his first golf club at age two and almost from the starat knew what to do with it. He was soon recognized as a child prodigy and before his age ever got into double digits, Tiger appeared on the Mike Douglas Show and on ABC’s “That’s Incredible” demonstrating his prowess to an adoring action wide audience.

A Professional Decision A native Californian, Tiger Woods decide to “stay home ” for college and attended Stanford University beginning in 1994. He played golf for the University and even won and NCAA for championship for his solo performance. When you casually read his statistics, one little known fact about Tiger Woods does not leap off the page. The fact is that Tiger Woods never graduated from Stanford. Two years into his course work, Tiger decided to move on with his golfing career and go pro.

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We often read about college basketball or football players leaving school early to begin a professional career and make a bucket of money. It’s just a little known fact that after two years at Stanford University, Tiger Woods did the same thing.

1996, A Very Good Year For those who keep a close eye on professional golf and the record books, it may be a well known fact that Tiger Woods made the right move leaving school and turning pro. After all, in his first year on the circuit in 1996 he was named “Rookie of the Year”.

It’s a little known fact that for that same year, Tiger Woods was also chosen by Sports Illustrated Magazine as “Sportsman of the Year. This award is not all about statistics and records. It has a lot to do with the positive impression athletes leave on those with whom they play and on those who are watching them perform. Tiger Woods, a young, multi-racial golfing phenomenon, with an exuberance for the game that was contagious, didn’t just win championships in 1996, he won the hearts of sports fans, some of whom had never watched golf before, from one coast to the other.

One for the Ages Tiger Woods started to play golf at a very young age and he became a professional just two years out of high school. At age 30, Tiger Woods has been playing golf professionally for ten years and in that time he has accumulated lots of trophies and an incredible amount of money. In fact in 2005 Tiger Woods earned $87 million to become the highest paid professional athlete in the U. S. that year.

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In the midst of his accomplishments and wealth a little known, but amazing, fact about Tiger Woods might easily slip by. Of all the golfers who have ever played the game, including great ones like Sam Snead ,Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus, only two players have ever won ten Majors tournaments before the age of thirty – the great Bobby Jones and the perhaps equally great Tiger Woods.

Tiger Woods has become such a fixture in American golf that what we seldom realize and what perhaps is a little known fact about Tiger Woods in our own lives is that every time you watch Tiger Woods play,you are likely to end up watching golf history in the making.