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Little Known Facts About Barack Obama

Little Known Facts

Many truths and untruths are slowly emerging about Barack Obama since announcing his plans to run for the President of the United States. Some Americans will take the time to research his past, while others will settle to believe everything they read. Recent polls indicate that the American people do not know enough about him to make an informed decision about his candidacy. Here is a brief overview of facts that many people may not have heard of yet.

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #1:He was born inHonolulu, Hawaii

Mr. Obama’s parents met in Hawaii while attending the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii of Manoa. His parents divorced when he was two years old, and at age six he then went to live in Indonesia with his mother and step-father (who was Indonesian). In 5th grade, Barrack returned to Hawaii and finished high school, while living with his grandparents.

Little Known Facts About Barack Obama #2: He is Bi-Racial

Obama was born to a white, American mother and a Kenyan father. He writes in his 1995 memoir “Dreams from My Father” that he barely noticed the racial difference between his parents in his early childhood.

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #3: Middle Name is Hussein

Barack Hussein Obama is named after his father, who was educated at Harvard University. Some journalists have voiced concerns that his name may be a hindrance to him in the 2008 elections due to the fact that it conjures up images of America’s top two arch enemies.

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Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #4: He Has Tried Drugs

During his teenage years, Barack experimented with marijuana and cocaine. He acknowledges this and attributes it to teenage boy confusion in his memoir “Dreams from My Father.”

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #5: First African-American President of the Harvard Law Review

After graduating from Columbia University, he then attended Harvard Law School (magna cum laude) and was elected President of the Harvard Law Review.

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #6: Has Written Two Best-Sellers

Barack wrote his memoir “Dreams from My Father” in 1995, and during his 2004 Illinois Senate campaign, it became a best seller. His next book, “The Audacity of Hope” hit the bestseller list in 2006.

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #7: Why He Entered Politics

After graduating from Columbia, Obama united with a church-based group in Chicago to improve the livelihoods of poor and violent neighborhoods. After some success, he realized to see dramatic effects, changes in our laws and politics were needed.

Little Known Facts about Barack Obama #8: He Wants to Quit

Barack Obama wants to quit smoking. If he lands in the White House, there is a no-smoking policy in place, so he has taken measures to break the habit. (Had to throw some humor in there.)

It is believed that Hillary Rodham Clinton’s biggest opponent for the Presidential bid is Barack Obama. The 2008 election will prove to be quite interesting- we could be looking at the first black President or the first female President of the United States.

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