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Law of Attraction: Five Visualization Tips


How many times have you been in the middle of visualizing when your mind takes on a mind of its own and begins to wander? It jumps from the image you are focusing on, to and image that has nothing to do with your visualization. Your mind offers opinions on what to do about everything…everything but what you are trying to focus on and put energy towards. And before you know it, visualizing on what you desire becomes the last thing on your mind. This is a common problem for many people.

This once was a common occurrence for my husband, Lee and I. When we noticed just how common, we embarked on some experimental methods to create a solve that we felt could work. Lo and behold, we soon enjoyed having great success with uninterrupted visualizations, thereby obtaining positive and faster results through visualizing and the Law of Attraction.

Here are some helpful tips that just might help you tame your mind monkeys.

1. Get creative. If you are visualizing the same picture every night and day, they can soon become both repetitive and boring for you. In practicing the Law of Attraction, it’s important to see and feel what you want through visualization, but only if you are truly feeling whatever it is. If what you believe you desire has become boring, with a complete lack of feeling, change your visualization to something that makes you feel joyful. Even if it may be something different from what you have been visualizing previously. The good feelings will elicit good feelings back to you courtesy of the Universe.

2. Even though you can have whatever you desire through the Law of Attraction, sometimes your survival self has a hard time believing it. It tells you all the reasons why you couldn’t possibly do it this way or that. An easy way to stop the survival self from telling you it just can’t work is to generate visualizations that the survival self can understand and could possibly manifest. Here’s an example: A client of ours kept having problems with concentration through her “quiet” time. As we sat and deconstructed how she was visualizing, she would sigh repeatedly. When I asked her the source of her sighs, she told us that she just couldn’t believe that the Universe would send her $100,000.00 this year. Even though she believed wholeheartedly in the idea of the Law of Attraction, she just couldn’t imagine that this money would come to her.

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So Lee told her this, “For right now, just right now, until you get comfortable with the numbers, tell me what is believable to you?”

Our client thought for a moment and then said, “Ten thousand dollars.”

Then I asked, “So you believe ten thousand dollars can come to you right now… even tomorrow?” She responded, in her opinion, that it wouldn’t be a problem at all. “Then visualize that number,” I suggested.

Then came the protest, “But I want more than ten thousand.”

Lee suggested she visualize on ten thousand until money starts coming in, and then reminded her that when her survival self sees it happen, it will be easier to visualize even more money.

Make sure to visualize what you do with the wealth as well. When you begin to feel how great it is to be taking a vacation with your family, and staying in the grandest of hotels, this evokes feelings of wealth. Remember, you have to believe that your desire is real, and that it is there for you now. If what you envision isn’t something you feel can happen, create a smaller picture until you are confident enough to know that you can have it all.

3. When there is a particularly important day on the horizon, or any day for that matter, visualize the end of that day first. When you awake in the morning, spend a few moments seeing the end of the day first. Create how you want your day to actually be by “reflecting” on the day that just started. See your meeting going exactly as you wanted it to, see the checks that came in the mail, and don’t forget to thank the Universe. By thanking the Universe before it happens, this tells the Universe that you know that it actually will. Visualize the end of day first thing every morning, and you will begin to see your days merge into the exact picture you intend.

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4. When you just have “one of those days” where you just can’t concentrate on any form of visualization, then don’t. Just sit still and clear your mind and reflect thoughts of peace, and happiness. This will bring you peaceful and happy moments from the Universe, and will connect you with the All that Is. By just being quiet and still, you are moving closer to attaining your desire. This is the time when some great insights will arrive, as well.

5. Visualizing doesn’t require you to sit in one spot. A great visualization technique that Lee and I engage in is really simple, but extremely effective. When we come home after a long day of work, we just imagine that our life is exactly as we prefer it. We just become what it is that we desire.

For instance, if you desire a new home with brand new rugs and furnishings, then when you arrive home from work, see that your current home is entirely the new home you desire. The new rugs are there, the bank account is golden, and your mate is right there next to you, just as happy and content as you are. Just “being” can be just as effective as sitting on your bed meditating upon whatever you desire. Give it a try. It’s a lot of fun to take a look in your closet and imagine it full of brand new clothes complete with the tags.

These are just a few tips to help you move forward as you continue to attain what you desire through the Law of Attraction.

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And just one more thing: If you do have a wandering mind monkey while visualizing, don’t beat yourself up over it. Each moment is a new moment to create and to just start up again. The more you visualize and let the mind chatter pass, the more proficient you will become in releasing the chatter as you only focus on your desires.