Articles for tag: Visualization

Karla News

Law of Attraction: Five Visualization Tips

How many times have you been in the middle of visualizing when your mind takes on a mind of its own and begins to wander? It jumps from the image you are focusing on, to and image that has nothing to do with your visualization. Your mind offers opinions on what to do about everything…everything ...

Karla News

Low-Tech Brain Workouts to Improve Sports Performance

There has been a lot of attention given recently to the high tech brain workouts that elite athletes use to improve performance. Companies such as Neurotopia have developed brain-training software that can boost performance by sharpening the mind and increasing focus. Olympic beach volleyball gold medalist Kerri Walsh-Jennings is just one of a number of ...

Prosperity Spells: Magic to Draw Money

There is a myth perpetuated by popular movies and literature that one should never do magic for personal gain- especially money. For some reason, the idea of trying to use magic to fix or improve your financial situation has gotten a bad rap as being “unethical” and “abusing power.” This would come as a huge ...