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Inspiring Books for High School Graduates

Going Away to College, How to Live Life, Mitch Albom

If you are looking for a high school graduation gift, and your graduate is a reader, a book can be a wonderful gift, if you choose the right one. You want your choice to be a book that makes an impact and is memorable. There are many out there, I have complied a list of my top ten high school graduation books for this year.

1. The Last Lecture by Randall Pausch. This is the famous last lecture given by Professor Randall Pausch, who was in the last stages of pancreatic cancer at the time of the lecture. Professor Pausch wanted to leave a message for his children on how to live life, and this book is a loving, wise legacy left by him. Every collection should have a copy.

2. The Traveler’s Gift: Seven Decision that Determine Personal Success by Andy Andrews. This is a life lesson book based on a fictional man time traveling and meeting historical figures along the way. Every notable person he meets has a message for him, among them are Harry Truman teaching how to live by the mantra “the buck stops here” to Anne Frank teaching him to make the choice to be happy. This would make a great high school graduation gift, it’s a good book to keep and refer to often.

3. Coming Back Stronger by Drew Brees. This is a inspiring book about Mr. Bree’s life and career, including injuries, set backs, and triumphs. It shows us a man doing his best to live his life faithfully, serving others while achieving his success. A great come back story about a man and a city. Anyone who has odds to beat can get inspiration from his story.

4. Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance by Tony Dungy. Tony Dungy is definitely an uncommon man, and in his book he gives us some insight into his philosophy. He has touched many lives personally, showing his own uncommon care and understanding. He gives life lessons in this book that any young man today should read and consider adopting.

5. Quiet Strength :The Principles, Practices, and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy. Another wonderful life lesson book by Mr. Dungy. In it, he challenges us all to think twice about how we measure success. He shows us, again, how he has not compromised his beliefs for his career. Any graduate would learn a lot from this book.

6. The Noticer: Sometimes All a Person Needs is a Little Perspective by Andy Andrews.

This is another wonderful little book by Mr. Andrews, who has written many. It’s another fictional book that teaches us a life lesson, this one is the lesson of perspective. Mr. Andrews shows us how changing our perspective can change our life. A great book for the graduate, and anyone else on your list.

7. Tuesday’s With Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson by Mitch Albom. This is another title I think every collection should have, it’s been around for awhile, but my guess is graduates today have not read it. Mr. Albom gives us the life lessons he learned from his mentor, Morrie, as he is dying of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. This classic has sold more than 12 million copies.

8. A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen. Ms. Quindlen brings her wit to this little life lesson book, where she urges us to slow down and appreciate our life. She gives her message simply, yet opens your eyes to the world around you. Packed with great photos as well, you will want to keep it handy to enjoy. Another great pick for a graduate, or anyone else.

9. Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss. No graduation book list would be complete without this classic. Once again, Dr. Seuss is teaching us about life through his zany ways. No collection is complete without this book.

10. Life’s Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life by H. Jackson Brown, JR. Mr. Brown wrote this little book for his son who was going away to college. It’s a simple little book that has been enjoyed around the world, translated into 33 language, and selling more than 9 million copies. A great gift for the high school graduate.