Articles for tag: Tony Dungy

Karla News

Addressing the Indianapolis Colts 2008 NFL Offseason

The Indianapolis Colts had a season to remember in 2006. It was all capped by a convincing Superbowl victory over the Chicago Bears, which gave Peyton Manning his first championship and rid of the idea that he could not win the “big one.” Thus entering 2007, the Colts were one of the favorites to go ...

Karla News

Understanding NFL Football: The Cover 2 Defense

If you’ve watched any NFL game in the last decade you almost undoubtedly heard the phrase “Cover 2 defense”. However, announcers and commentators rarely take the time to explain the concept beyond a rudimentary level. From casual fans on to even serious NFL devotees, few can accurately describe the true nature of this defensive scheme, ...

Karla News

How Tony Dungy’s Faith Helped Him Cope with the Death of His Son

Imagine having a son or daughter who dies. Doesn’t any person expect to outlive his children? Imagine having a child die while you are in a profession that puts you in the public spotlight every day. Wouldn’t that compound a person’s grief and make the situation more difficult? How would someone in such a situation ...