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How to Tell If You Are Anemic

Anemia, Anemic, Pica

Anemia is generally caused by an iron deficiency, and results in a drop in the number of your red blood cells. This article will teach you how to tell if you are anemic. Should you be seeing your doctor for anemia? Let’s go through it step by step and learn how to tell if you’re anemic.

Anemia Symptom 1 – Moods. Have you been feeling sad or lethargic lately? Anemia is known to bring on feelings of depression. Although this one symptom alone cannot be used to diagnose anemia, it’s important to note how long you have been feeling depressed, and approximately when you first started feeling depressed. Fatigue and irritability are also often signs of anemia.

Anemia Symptom 2 – Pica. Pica is the craving of bizarre foods, such as dirt or paper. This is most commonly associated with pregnant women, but strange cravings are really just the body crying out for something that it feels is missing. Pica is a very strong symptom when you’re working out how to tell if you’re anemic, and taken alone is enough of a reason to consult your doctor.

Anemia Symptom 3 – Cold fingers and toes. Poor circulation may be caused by anemia, resulting in cold extremities that aren’t receiving enough blood flow. Cold extremities is a relatively minor symptom when you’re learning how to tell if you’re anemic, however added in with other issues on this list it is diagnostically significant.

Anemia Symptom 4 – Skin. Very pale skin is a definite symptom pointing towards anemia, particularly if you have become paler over a short period of time. Does your skin have a pale, washed out appearance? Are your lips particularly pale? Another important symptom when you’re learning how to tell if you are anemic. This is another circulation symptom. Yellowing of your eyes is also a good check to make when you’re learning how to tell if you are anemic.

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Anemia Symptom 5 – Feeling weak or dizzy. If you are feeling especially weak, for instance you have trouble making a strong fist or are easily exhausted during the day, that is definitely a potential symptom of anemia. Other symptoms in the same vein are feeling dizzy or lightheaded when you’re standing up, and difficulty breathing or catching your breath after activity.

Anemia Symptom 6 – Frequent headaches. This is a more generalized symptom when you’re learning how to tell if you’re anemic. For instance frequent headaches could just be indicating chronic dehydration, however added in with other symptoms on this list this symptom is diagnostically significant.

Taken alone these symptoms don’t necessarily prove anything, however if you are experiencing 2-3 of them in combination it is very likely that you’re anemic and should go consult your doctor about taking iron supplements to counteract the problem. Remember that although this article should help you learn how to tell if you are anemic, you should still consult your doctor with your list of symptoms as there is always the possibility they could represent something more significant than simple anemia.