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How to Soften Up a Scruffy Beard

Biolage, How to Shave

For you men is that scruffy beard of your starting to bother you or your significant other by the way it feels. Does it feel like short stubbly whiskers or maybe even pieces of wire? I know with some men their beard or scruff can get a little out of control to the point where it bothers their wife’s face or irritates their skin. Well if you have this problem then you can follow these tips I have for you that worked worked very well for many people I know even for my hubby.

1. Always make sure when you are shaving your beard keep rinsing out all the residue after a few strokes, because the more residue build up the more irritated you will become. Not rinsing in between will not only put nasty gunk on your skin, but will make your skin very rough. Always make sure the water is warm, but not to the point where steam is coming out. Then you will be opening up your pores too much. In beauty school we had to learn how to shave a beard and everything and the best method is using a straight razor if you are brave enough to. I also like the mac3.

2. You can take some coconut oil place some in your hands making sure you warm it up first. Then apply it to your face before you shave. Leave it on for about thirty minutes or so. Then proceed to shave. Coconut oil is a really good softening product for many uses. It will make your skin feel so smooth to the touch. After you have applied the coconut oil and shaved then apply a cold compress on your face hold it there for about ten minutes. This allows the pores to close back up. You can also use Biolage shampoo and conditioner. Wash your beard with both, it works just as good on your hair as it does with a beard.

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3. Another great trick I learned was to take a dry orange peel and make sure you powder it very fine. Then mix it very well with about a half cup of regular milk. Place this mixture onto your face making sure your whole beard is covered. Then leave it on for about forty minutes or so. This has a amazing effect how soft your beard gets. Then place a cold compress afterwords. I have done this plenty of times to my brother in law, hubby etc.

4. Buy yourself a boar bristle brush. These brushes may be old fashion to some, but if you want that scruff soft these will work great on that. They don’t cost much money and they will make those coarse stubborn hairs lay down better. You can first take a Vo5 hot oil treatment place that on your beard. Then when done with that procedure use the brush. The hot oil treatments work very nicely.

5. The last tip I have that I know works is grab some olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and a little bit of honey. Make sure you heat up the honey for a few seconds in the microwave first, because it’s very thick. Then blend all of these ingredients together place on your beard. Leave it there for thirty minutes wash or rinse out. Apply cold compress. You will need about 1/2 teaspoon of these ingredients, but a little more of the honey.