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How to Recognize Alcoholic Depression

Depression goes hand in hand with Alcohol. Approximately 17 million Americans a year are being affected by depression. Over the years, this total has doubled up to 25 million. One in four women will have severe depression in their life time. For men, it’s only 1 in 8. People who are depressed clearly should not drink alcohol. Which only increases what stress and depression they already have by about 27%. In one year 18.8 million Americans suffer from a depressive illness, and approximately 92% of U.S. adults who drink excessively have experienced mild alcoholic depression, simply by just having a hang over (which passes over time). If you’ve ever experienced a hang over, then you know what alcoholic depression is. Some people drink alcoholic beverages to relieve their stress, anger, and depression. After this effect is done taking place, and the alcohol wears off, you’ll feel worse than ever.

Alcohol does not only take effect on your brain, but also your outer appearance as well. It effects the way you act, concentrate, talk, your coordination, and actually increases chances of getting diseases and infections.

Alcohol is high in calories, which will cause you to gain weight, and like smoking, it destroys your body’s supply of Vitamin C. The result is usually the appearance of premature wrinkles, and causes you to look older, faster. this actually increases your intake, which means you’ll gradually have to drink more and more to get the same effect. Alcohol does not do anything good for your body at all. It may effect the way you feel, but only leaves you feeling worse than you did before, because it depresses and stresses out the brain and the nervous system.

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The depressant effect of alcohol increases with B.A.C. and has been measured in terms as it effects humans performances at B.A.C’s as low as 0.003. This BAC level can be obtained by consuming 1-2 alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is a depressant that slows the brain and nervous system activity down. When one or two drinks may make someone feel relaxed, alcohol causes and increases feelings of anxiety, depression, and also aggression. It’s first effect, is to distort your judgment and lower your inhibition, as it reaches the outer brain. It makes you feel like you’re doing something good by drinking it, because it produces euphoria (a sense of pleasure). As you drink more and more, your coordination and perception are greatly effected, and can cause you to have memory blackouts. Once the alcohol reaches the medulla (inner core of the brain), your heart rate drops and breathing problems persist, and leads to death. Research suggests that continued alcohol use can cause depression. Alcohol robs brain cells of water and glucose, the brain’s food, causing you to have a hangover the next day.

Effects may include:
-Loosing sleep
-You feel worn out all the time.
-You may begin to think suicidal thoughts.
-Effects on your outer appearance, such as weight and skin.
-Effects on your work and home life.
-Missing out on other things to spend more time drinking.
-You start to drink earlier in the morning.
-You wake with shaky hands.
-You may feel a strong need to drink, which means you don’t feel normal without it.

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I’ve never experienced alcoholic depression, but I have known a couple people who have, and let me just tell you it’s not an easy thing to go through. If you or someone you know is going through alcoholic depression, they really need encouragement to quit, and most of all a caring friend. They need motivation to quit, and they need someone to help them get through this. They need all the understanding and care that they can get. Also consider going to a therapist, or getting prescription anti-depressants to help ease the problem, the non-alcoholic way. As you begin to start trying to be sober, it may be hard at first, but you’ll feel good about yourself, and you’ll feel a lot better than you did before. The best way to stay healthy and happy, is don’t drink alcohol at all. Many of people drink alcohol to turn away from their problems, instead of facing them. It actually increases them and makes it all worse. Worse on you, worse on your body, worse on your life. When my friends went through alcoholic depression, I was very understanding and showed that I really cared. I helped them through the situation and was there for them any time they needed me. I would hate to see anyone suffer through this, it’s just not fair to themselves or their body. Alcohol tricks you by making you feel good or making you feel pleasure, but at the same time, it’s doing something terrible such as take your life away. It may take a long time to recover from an alcoholic depression/addiction, but it’s possible, for even the worst alcoholic. Stop drinking before it’s too late. You can control your wellness, even though it may be something hard to accomplish, it’s possible to do.

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Getting drunk isn’t as fun as it may seem. Your body, brain, and nervous system slowly start to shut down, and can lead to psychosis, dementia, or even worse, death. This is one of the leading causes of death in the United states. You certainly don’t want to drink your life away, the gift of life is far too precious, and it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Even the mildest case of drinking can start to kill you slowly. Talk to someone about your alcoholic problems, and start getting help today. Don’t wait till it’s too late. In the end. alcohol has more bad side effects and can cause you more harm than you think it can.