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How to Prevent Memory Loss in Seniors

Memory Loss

As we get older it is normal for us all to experience memory loss, it can be very frustrating and embarrassing. The main cause of memory loss in the elderly is from a decrease in brain activity. Some start seeing some memory loss in their 50’s and most seniors over the age of 65 have some degree of memory loss and problems. It is possible though to stop age related memory loss and in some cases even reverse it. There are some simple things we can do to help prevent memory loss in ourselves and loved ones. Below is a list of five tips that will help your family member prevent memory loss and also benefit their health and lifestyle.

Stress Reduction

Many people are not aware that stress causes your body to produce cortisol, which has been found to shrink the memory centers in the brain. Some simple daily stretching and walking that are not too strenuous for a older person will still be enough to help reduce stress. So your loved one will benefit from less stress physically and help reduce memory loss.

Healthy Diet

A diet that is full of healthy choices and rich in vitamins has been found to be vital in preventing memory loss in seniors. Vitamin B help to protect neurons which will decrease the risk of heart related diseases. Equally important is avoiding food with unhealthy trans and saturated fats which increase the risk of stroke. And eating a diet with many antioxidants will help to give the brain everything it need to function like a well oiled machine as we age.

See also  Families Dealing with Memory Loss

Memory Training

Maybe one of the best tips for not only reducing memory loss in seniors but actually helping to reverse it is memory training. Trying to learn new skills where you must pay attention and concentrate can help to increase your brains memory ability. Some activities that are popular with seniors that have shown to do this are crossword puzzles, games, learning a new form of dance and games like scrabble.

Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can effect a seniors memory negatively in a couple of different ways. When you do not get enough sleep your brain and body do not get the time necessary to restore and replenish itself. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation and if you suffer from a sleep disorder like insomnia or sleep apnea it is important to seek treatment. If you are tired from lack of sleep it will cause poor memory retention and make it hard to concentrate during the day.


The importance of exercise for seniors is not only to help prevent memory loss for their health in general. Routine non strenuous exercise is important to help provide the brain with oxygen it need to function at is best. Exercise will also decrease the risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, diseases which can lead memory loss. Regular exercise will also protect brain cells and increase the effect of helpful brain chemicals.


How To do Things.com – www.howtodothings.com/health-and-fitness/a1938-how-to-prevent-memory-loss.html

Help Guide.org – www.helpguide.org/life/prevent_memory_loss.htm