Karla News

How to Prepare Your Child for a Talent Show

Many parents find that having their kids perform in local talent shows to be an excellent way to highlight their ability, get exposure for a budding career, or just have fun showing off their favorite hobby. In recent years, talent shows are getting national exposure with programs like American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, and America’s Next Top Model. These popular talent shows have launched some pretty lucrative careers for their contestants and winners. There are some local talent shows, although not as popular, that may be happening in your community, associations, schools, and church organizations. If you feel that you would like to have your child join these talent shows, there are things that you must consider before you sign up.

1) Help your child decide on which talent to show. Take note, emphasis on the word help. I specifically stated that because it is the child who should be willing and who should know what his or her talent is. As parents, we should be there to support and guide our children to make the right decision and encourage them. Singing and dancing are always popular choices or your child could perform using both talents. Magic tricks that are well performed are usually crowd pleasers with audiences and judges alike. It could be that your child’s talents lie in a less obvious way. Poetry readings and story telling are both unique takes on what is perceived as a talent. Whichever talents your child chooses to showcase make sure that he or she is comfortable performing it in front of an audience full of people.

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2) Hire a talent coach. If you want your child to learn fast and be able to perform the right way, you may need to look into hiring a talent coach. For example, if your child wants to sing you can hire a voice coach or voice instructor. This way, the instructor can show the proper techniques to use when singing like breathing techniques, tongue placements, correct posture, listening to the music correctly, etc. This is the same with dancing, there are dance instructors that can help your child do the dances correctly and perform more gracefully.

3) Ensure that your child practices regularly. It is important to hone your child’s talent to practice regularly and religiously. Help your child work up a routine he or she does well and do without any major mishaps. During this practice time, use friends and family as judges and for positive critiques. Hopefully they will care enough to be both truthful and kind. As members of your audience they know what they would like to see or hear. Be careful not to have your child practice the routine to the point that he or she will hate it and get tired of it. Boredom will show to the judges and audience when it comes time for the curtain to rise.

4) Encourage and offer moral support at all times. As I said before, we have a duty as parents to help encourage and support our children so that they can build their self confidence. It is tough for children not to realize their dreams because their parents are less enthusiastic. This can be a morale killer which will be a pattern that will continue as the children grow, they will grow timid and will not try to succeed fearing that they have failed already before they even try. On the other hand, if you offer encouragement and morale support it can uplift their spirits building their self confidence to help them succeed. Even if they fail, they should know that simply by trying their best that they have already won half the battle. This will give them courage to keep on trying.

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5) Prepare and be early. Weeks before the talent show, start choosing the outfit that your child is going to wear. If your child needs props while performing, make sure that you have them ready and in working order. Be ready for any wardrobe or prop malfunction. Bring “emergency repair kits” if needed in case they happen right before the show. Have dress rehearsal days before the show. On the day of the show, it is a good idea to be early at the venue or site. That way your child can relax, have time to get acquainted with the stage and environment, as well as participate in rehearsals if needed. Also sometimes last minute changes do happen; if you are early your child will not be taken by surprise. Being ready and prepared is vitally important to your child’s debut success. This is also an excellent opportunity to get to know the other contestants and meet other parents. There is nothing more fun than having a friendly competition. After you have double-checked any equipment your child may be using and made sure everything is ready, you can relax and wait for your child’s moment to shine.

Finally, the moment of truth has arrived. Your child can take a deep breath, relax, and get ready to make talent show history.


  • Personal experience.