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How to Make Your Own Fresh and Homemade Face Masks

Face Mask, Greek Yogurt, Homemade Face Masks

I adore mud masks and face masks. If there is a Lush store anywhere close you can guarantee that I will be inside purchasing fresh face masks. But what happens if you’re not close to a bath and beauty store or don’t feel like going to one? Making your own face masks is the best answer. Homemade face masks are cheaper and they’re fresher too. Perhaps the greatest bonus of all is that most of the ingredients that you need are readily found in your own cupboards and refrigerator!

Here are just a few of the many wonderful face masks you can try at home with very little effort. I’ve tried them all and they’re lovely!

Moisturizing Face Mask

Models love this one and I love it too. And it’s the easiest face mask to make as it contains only two ingredients: egg whites and Greek yogurt. Extract the egg whites from 2 eggs and combined them with 2 tablespoons of thick Greek yogurt. Apply to face, leave on for 10 minutes, and rinse off with warm water. Your skin will feel softer, tighter and more moisturized.

All-Purpose Face Mask


Instructions: This mask can vary according to how you make it and that’s part of the fun of it. What I like to do is to add about a tablespoon and a half of honey to a small bowl and mix in 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of nutmeg. But you could cut these spices down to just 1 teaspoon if you prefer. Afterwards, squeeze a small amount of fresh lemon juice into the mixture and stir it up with a spoon. The lemon is excellent for removing any red spots on your face over time, but if the lemon doesn’t feel good on your skin you can easily omit that and just use the honey, cinnamon and nutmeg. After you mix everything up smooth it onto your skin, but be aware that this does drip quite a lot, so it’s wise to have a paper towel handy at all times. Leave the mask on your skin for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

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Oily Skin Face Mask

2 bananas
1 Peeled Peach
Ground Almonds
Porridge Oats

This is another mask where you can omit some of the ingredients if you wish as some variations of this recipe just call for the bananas and the honey. Take the 2 bananas and mix them with 2 tablespoons of honey and a de-skinned peeled peach. Then add a teaspoon of rolled oats and ground almonds, mix, and apply to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Brighter Skin Face Mask

This is a very easy face mask. Simply take 1 tablespoon of tumeric powder and mix it into 1 cup of plain yogurt or Greek yogurt, which is my favorite. Leave it on your face for up to 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Sources: http://www.channel4.com/4beauty/make-up-skin-care/skin-care/skin-care-how-tos/homemade-face-masks
