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How to Make Reusable Cloth Shopping Bags from Old Recycled T-Shirts

Cloth Shopping Bags, Reusable Shopping Bags

With the increasing popularity of recycling and large desire for consumers to cut down on the number of shopping bags they use, many have turned to reusable cloth shopping bags. Reusable bags greatly help to cut down on the number of plastic bags discarded every year. Reusable bags also decrease the amount of fossil fuels used which contribute to pollution. Reusable shopping bags can be expensive however. Here is a great easy way for you to make your own reusable cloth shopping bags from old t-shirts that requires very little sewing.

The size of your shopping bag will depend on the size t-shirt you use. Your shopping bag will be the exact same size as the t-shirt, so you will probably not want to use any large shirts. Women’s medium sized shirts, children’s large shirts, and men’s small shirts should work best.

Begin by turning the t-shirt inside out. Sew along the bottom of the t-shirt so that it is completely closed. For strength, it’s a good idea to add an extra line of stitching in case it begins to tear at a later date.

Next, use sharp scissors to cut both arms off of the t-shirt. These will form the handles for your shopping bag. You also need to cut out the neck of the t-shirt. Make a scoop large enough when you cut so that you will be able to fit groceries into the bag. You will not need to do any sewing around the seam of the sleeves and collar. T-shirts are made from jersey material which will not fray or come apart when used or washed.

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The last thing you need to do is make some reinforced stitching on the handles of your bag. Because you have cut the stitching open by cutting off the sleeves and the neck, your handles may tear in the future. To fix this, simply turn the shoulders (they will be the handles of the bag) inside out and stitch across the shoulder seam once or twice to make sure it is extra strong.

If you have t-shirts with neat designs, they will make great logos that will stand out on the front of your bag. Plain t-shirts can even be decorated or screen printed with your favorite logo, design, or saying. You can even write comments about recycling on your bags to inspire others to do the same.

These cloth shopping bags are free to make and so easy to use. They can be rolled up and kept in your purse or in your car until needed. They are not quite as strong as canvas bags, so you should not put heavy items such as milk or water jugs in them. Carry those by their handles instead. They are as strong as the plastic bags the stores carry, however. It is a great way to reuse and recycle your favorite old t-shirts that are too junky to be worn, but too awesome to get rid of.