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How to Make an Easy Homemade Pinata for Kids’ Birthday Parties

Homemade Pinata, Kids Birthday Parties, Papier Mache, Pi

Piñatas can be expensive, especially if your child wants a specific type of piñata or one to match a specially themed party. It is very easy, however, to make your own piñata at home with simple easy to find materials that you probably already have laying around.

You will need one large cereal box, acrylic paints, old newspaper, a large bowl, white school glue, water, colored crepe paper ribbon, a wire coat hanger, and a spoon. You will be making a papier mache mixture, so be sure to look online for a simple mixture that you can make from water and white glue.

Decide on the design of your piñata. The finished piñata will be rectangular in shape, so you will need to think of things that are shaped like a cereal box. Spongebob Squarepants is rectangular in shape and he is also a very popular children’s subject. You could also make your piñata into an aquarium, a wrapped gift box, a television, a cell phone, or you could paint a scenic picture on it or just decorate it with colored paper.

First, open the cereal box and stuff in a few balls of wadded newspaper for padding. Fill the box with the prizes that you plan on including and then stuff more wads of newspaper on top to pad the piñata well. If it is well-stuffed, it will be more difficult to break. Once the box is filled with toys, close the lid and use a small piece of tape to close the ends on the top and bottom of the box.

Next, mix your papier mache mixture in a large glass or ceramic bowl. Dip strips of torn newspaper into the mixture and lay them over the cereal box, covering the entire surface area of the piñata. Once you have finished one layer of papier mache, let it dry for a while and then add another layer. The layers of paper will add strength to your piñata. After you have added at least two or three layers of newspaper, let it sit somewhere to dry.

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Once your piñata is completely dry, you can decorate it using craft paints or colored crepe paper ribbon. Glue the crepe paper on in small areas so that it does not look blotchy. Simply wrapping the crepe paper around the piñata will make a great pattern of colored stripes if you are not able to think of a specific design. Gluing pieces of crepe paper along the bottom of your box will give it a nice fluttering effect as it is whacked by the kids.

Let the piñata dry for at least one day before attaching the hanger. Unbend a wire coat hanger and push it through your piñata from front to back straight through the top of the box. If you have trouble, start the hole with a knife tip or use a metal skewer. Be sure to wrap the coat hanger tightly around itself so that it does not bend or break when the kids swing at it.