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Cheap Cinco de Mayo Pinatas


There are many online sources for piñatas for your Cinco de Mayo celebration. Whether you’re looking for something traditional or a little more outrageous. Your piñata can be found at a reasonable price!

The Party Supply Hut offers a huge variety of both traditional and non traditional piñatas for less than twenty dollars. You can order candy and filling for your piñata here, too. They also have a great shipping time. Most items ship within 48 business hours!

If you’re looking for a more unusual piñata for your fiesta, birthdayexpress.com may have what you are looking for. They have in stock both traditional piñatas, and pull string piñatas. Their prices seem very competitive and generally run less than twenty dollars for a piñata. They also sell candy and filling for your piñata. They can furnish all your piñata needs.

Did you know that “the origin of piñata is Chinese and not Hispanic?” (Piñata Store) The Piñata Store provides some interesting information about the origin of piñatas as well as affordable piñata pricing. They also have the option to purchase a party pack for your fiesta, and they will include a free piñata. Party packs run around fifty dollars, and include many different things depending on the pack you purchase.

The cheapest place to buy a piñata may be from economyjumpers.com. While they are a whole seller they do sale to the public. For cheaper prices you have to buy in bulk, so if you’re looking for several piñatas they may be your best bet. I called the number for a price quote, and piñata pricing is as follows: a small is $6.00, a medium is $7.00, and a large is $10.00. But, if you purchase in bulk, prices for a piñata are about half the price of a single piñata. For example, the ten inch piñata starts at $5.00 if you purchase ten or more. This price can’t be beat for a large fiesta! (economy jumpers)

See also  Party Perfect Pinatas

Fun piñatas is also a good place to furnish your piñata needs. They sell traditional piñatas, but they are also able to create custom piñatas. Funpiñatas.com is comparably priced to the other sellers with prices under twenty dollars. They also have the option of purchasing a party pack instead of just a piñata!

4funpinatas.com not only sells piñatas, but they sell themed party packs as well. Here you can purchase a piñata and party decorations to complete your fiesta. Their pricing is reasonably comparable to other online retailers.

Shopping 101 Makes Parties Fun lives up to their name with good prices, and unique piñatas. They not only sell piñatas, but they also have all the necessary piñata accessories for your party.

Pronto.com can also provide piñatas for your party needs. Their prices range from around twelve dollars to over fifty. But, they have a good selection, and you can probably find any piñata you need here.

When looking for cheap piñatas another place to turn is to Bizrate.com. They have piñatas listed from six dollars! They have a wide selection of piñatas, but most piñatas still fall in the price range of under twenty to just over twenty dollars.

It would be negligible not to mention Discount Party Supplies. Discount Party Supplies sells a large variety of character piñatas. Their prices run around twenty dollars, and they also have party packs available for purchase.

No matter where you decided to purchase your party piñata, a piñata is a great addition to your Cinco de Mayo fiesta! Both children and adults love piñatas. Remember to exercise caution while playing with them.

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Bizrate.com at:http://www.bizrate.com/partysupplies/products__keyword–pinatas.html. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Wholesale Party piñatas, economy jumpers at: http://www.economyjumpers.com/. Retrieved from the world wide web on March18,2009.

4 fun parties at:http://www.4funparties.com/PRODUCTS/Decoration-_and_-Party-Kits/Pinatas/index.html?&gclid;=CKb0qYS7rZkCFRlcagodtUBBKA. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Birthday xpress at: http://www.birthdayexpress.com/browse/Pinatas/_/N-iZ1i/results1.aspx?REF=KNC-CEgoogle&gclid;=CKODq720rZkCFRBbagodvAIEIw. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Fun Pinatas at: http://www.funpinatas.com/?gclid=CL7Y9pC6rZkCFQ6jagodATYeJA. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Party packs, party Supplies at: http://partysupplieshut.com/pinatas/. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Pronto.com at: http://www.pronto.com/user/search.do?SEM=true&query;=pinatas&adid;=s-20070803-28639-37622_gs&ref;=pinatas&creativeid;=905092659&site;. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Shopping 101 at: http://shopping101.makesparties.com/Search.aspx?free_text=pinata. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.

Party Supply hut at: http://partysupplieshut.makesparties.com/Catalog.aspx?intDisplayableCategoryID=1556&intDisplayableProductID;=25633. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009 .

Pinata store at: http://www.pinatastore.com/history.html. Retrieved from the world wide web on March 18,2009.http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1574267/authentic_texmex_for_cinco_de_mayo.html?cat=22http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1571666/texas_lullaby_.html?cat=42