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How to Make a Ball Cap Wig

One of the hardest things for women to face is getting old. That in itself can present issues from arthritis to osteoporosis. Who needs thinning hair on top of all that? Some women, when first dealing with the issue, try many different techniques to hide their rapidly thinning hair. Everything from headbands to hair-thickening shampoo is used to keep from exposing shining scalps to the world. If you’re a woman who has taken to wearing a ball cap to hide thinning hair, why not take that to the next step, and make a ball cap wig? With this wig you can just place a hat on your head and give the appearance that you have long, flowing locks.

It’s so easy to make a ball cap wig. The quality of the hair you purchase is up to you. You can purchase hair for this project at a dollar-theme store if you want a cheap way to go for your first attempt at a ball cap wig. Or, go to a beauty shop supply store and purchase a higher quality of hair for your wig. There’s a huge difference in the appearance of the hair depending upon the amount you pay for it. Make sure you understand cleaning techniques for the type of hair you purchase.

Some people wear ball caps in the traditional manner with the bill facing forward. Others turn the ball cap around and wear it like that. The way you wear the ball cap will make all the difference in the types of wig designs you can make. Use one technique for hats that are worn correctly; a different technique for hats worn backwards.

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If you happen to have a wig head you’ll have a much easier time storing the wig when it is finished. For the most part, though, you’ll have more luck making the wig if you just set it on a flat surface. For hats worn correctly you’ll start out by gluing the hair to the inside of the hat. Hair will be placed so that the ends of the hair will be attached to the inside edge of the ball cap. Hair is attached by gluing it from one side, where the hat meets the bill, to the opposite side where the bill begins.

Gluing the hair into the hat can be somewhat tricky. There is more than one method for doing so. If you sew you can make a banding for the ends of the hair. Cut a fabric band, similar in color to the hair, and fold it in half. Hair should be placed in between the two layers of the folded cloth. Stitch all the way down the band, using tiny stitches which are close together, then turn around and stitch back up again. The finished banding should have at least two to four rows of stitching to secure it.

Fabric glue is perfect for gluing banded hair into a ball cap. Measure the amount of banding you will need to reach from one side of the hat to the other, and trim away the rest. Apply the glue and begin placing the banded hair into the adhesive. Allow the glue to dry according to the instructions on the package.

If you don’t sew you can approach the wig in a different manner. Apply the adhesive to the inside edge of the hat and place the hair directly into the glue. Spray-on adhesives aren’t recommended since they tend to only grab one thin layer of hair. Glue which goes on thickly, like fabric glue, work better. With the hair positioned into the glue lay a piece of fabric – the color of the hair – over the hair. The band of fabric should go across the inside of the hat, trapping the hair between it and the ball cap edge. Smooth the band down and allow to dry.

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In the back of the ball cap there’s an opening, created by a plastic snap device, used for loosening and tightening the cap. This opening allows others to look through the hole and see your real hair. To cure this issue glue another patch of hair, from one side to the other, just above this opening. Now when others look at the hole in the back of the cap they’ll just see thick, luxurious hair. A different option is to make a ponytail that is pulled through the back opening. Gather the patch of hair you’re going to use, fan it out slightly, then set it in glue, inside the cap and just above the opening. After the glue is dry simply pull the hair through the opening.

To create bangs for a ball cap that’s worn with the bill facing forward you’ll choose one of the sewing or gluing methods above. Measure the amount of hair you’ll need, band it or glue it under the bill, then add the outer band of cloth, if needed. The band of cloth makes it easier to slide the hat onto the head and prevents the dried glue from clinging to your real hair. It also gives you a way to push the hair down, securely into the glue, without having to get adhesive all over your hands.

With a ball cap which is worn backwards you’re faced with a different challenge. The opening in the back of the cap makes it especially difficult to create bangs or other styles. For this problem glue the bangs or hair, from one side to the other, across the area of the opening. To add hair in the back of the backwards cap, put the cap on, then put a mark on each side right in front of the ear area. Now glue the hair from one mark to the next. Allow to dry completely before wearing.

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You’ll love how easy the ball cap wig is to make and how comfortable it is to wear. Best of all, you’ll love how much confidence it gives you. Although the ball cap wig isn’t perfect for wearing with every outfit it can certainly hide your thinning hair in a casual setting. For a more elegant look let’s talk about how to make headband wigs…
