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How to Know If You Are Addicted to Sugar

Addictive Drugs, Sugar Addiction

Many of us are aware of what too much sugar can do to our bodies. Even though we all like sweets and sugary things, they aren’t that good for our bodies. Everyone knows this. What some people don’t realize is that sugar can be very addictive. In regular form, sugar looks like cocaine which is a very addictive drug. Sugar in natural form, or in different forms, can create reactions in the body like that of addictive drugs. We now know that sugar addiction is very real.

Princeton University conducted a study on this topic. Researchers supplied sugar regularly to mice and observed their symptoms, brain chemistry, mental and social behaviors of the mice. Once the researchers denied the mice sugar, they found that the mice had adverse reactions and looked to show signs of withdrawal like as in withdrawal from addictive drugs. Researchers recorded the mice having the shakes prominently in many areas of their bodies. They also recorded tremors in the paws and heads of the rodents, as well as chattering teeth and an increased level of anxiety during their physical tests.

Experts now deduce that familiar chemical reactions occur when people become dependent on drugs, also occur when individuals consume high amounts of sugar and other sugar loaded products. Like other genetics predispositions, addiction to sugar can come about more easily in certain people.

Howtothinkthin.com talks about a study that was released in the Journal Of Nutrition in 2009 called the “Sugar and Fat Have Notable Differences in Addictive-Like Behavior.” The paper revealed that sugar consumed in excess amounts can most definitely cause cravings and withdrawal symptoms similar to that of drug dependency. It went further to reveal that sugar or even “the taste of sweet”, like heroin and morphine, causes receptors in the brain to initialize beta endorphins.

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Sugar, when you think about it, is just as dangerous as other things we know of today as being addictive according to Angelfire.com. Sugar in large consumption over time can have a large range of debilitating effects on the body such as the breaking down of the immune and endocrine system. Among others are hypoglycemia, asthma, osteoporosis, and other chronic conditions. Among the more obvious diabetes, obesity, cavities and periodontal disease.

Here are some tell-tale signs that you may indeed be addicted to sugar. If you feel your body craves something sweet, and nothing else can quell this feeling but something sweet, then you may be addicted. If when you are consumed with this feeling and start to get the shakes, or become inexplicably irritable when nothing is done to quench this feeling, it may be the case that you are dependent. Take everything that you may eat on any given day, and check for the sugar content. The sugar in “grams”, and even the sugars with masking names like fructose, sucrose, and malto-dextrin. Deny yourself those foods and see what happens. Now if you can’t deny yourself these things then you most definitely have a problem. If you can deny yourself these things and find yourself getting the shakes, or feel sluggish, or abnormally fatigued then your body may have developed a dependency.

Sugar addiction is very real. If you can’t go without that “sweet savour” everyday then you may have a problem with sugar addiction.

; Sugar Addiction| Yes! It’s very real ,Howtothinkthin.com
; Sugar:Addiction & Dangers ,Angelfire.com