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How to Knit a Men’s Winter Hat

How to Knit

Knitted men’s hats will keep your head much warmer then any other type of a hat will. The following instructions will help you to create a men’s winter hat that is a large beanie which will fit on an average-sized head. In order to make a different sized men’s winter knitted hat you will either want to increase or decrease the number of cast on stitches by a multiple of four then either add or subtract this number of rows in a multiple of three. For instance, if you want to make a medium hat you will want to cast 60 stitches and knit 33 rows before you shape the crown.

You are going to need size U.S. 10 needles, one ball of bulky weight yarn, a row counter and a tapestry needle. Once you have gathered together your supplies, here is what you will need to do in order to make this winter hat:

Cast on 64 stitches.

Create 36 rows that measure 5 inches in length for your winter hat. This should consist of knitting two then purling two all the way across.

Whenever you come to row 37 of the winter hat, make sure that you nit your second stitch together with your first. This is done by inserting the right needle into the second stitch on your left needle then pushing it through your first stitch and knitting these both as though they were one stitch. Now purl two like normal. You will want to repeat this pattern all the way across the row so that, in the end, you will have 48 stitches on your needle.

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At row 38 you will want to knit two together and purl one all the way across the row so that you will have 32 stitches.

For rows 39 and 40 you will want to knit one then purl one all the way across.

Now at row 41 and 42 you will want to knit two together your entire way across making sure to end with eight stitches on your needle.

Leave a 24 inch long tail on your winter hat and cut the yarn. You can use a tapestry needle in order to thread the tail through your remaining stitches. Once you have done this you should slide them off of the needle and pull them tight.

Use a mattress stitch to sew the back of the winter hat together then use your tapestry needle to weave in the ends.

Now you have a basic winter hat. As you can see, the only things you really needed to know how to do was knit, purl and decrease as well as a few hours of free time in order to make this simple winter hat. If you want to make this hat a bit fancier, and then simply use a multi-colored, self-striping yarn and you will have a colorful stripe effect without having to do anything different with your winter hat. You can also add string beads or charm onto your thread and then slide them into place at random intervals as you knit the winter hat. This is a great way to add further embellishment without much work. Regardless of what you do, you will have a great looking winter hat when you are done.