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How to Improve Reading Skills in Children

Reading Skills

Reading is important, for it is a source of information. Sadly, even some adults cannot read well, and most often, the problem originates from childhood. Individuals who developed the skills of efficient reading can have a better chance of success than others. It is necessary for kids to improve their skills in reading; one potential consequence, among many, is a catstrophic effect on school grades. As a result, they easily get frustrated, many grow up with shy personalities, and their full potentials are not developed.

Reading should be as easy as talking. It is not enough that a person can just read, what is needed are the skills to maximize the benefits anyone can get by doing it. For those who have children under their care, parents or guardians, the knowledge of knowing on how to improve reading skills is very important. Parents should try their best to encourage kids to learn how to read, because as the kids mature in age, they will be reading to learn.The following are suggestions on how to improve reading skills in children.

Provide a schedule for reading

Kids in general are not responsible in doing things they ought to do. While reading is good for them, there is a big tendency they will not do it, unless compelled to do so. A schedule is vital, reading must occur at least once a day. It may be in the morning, afternoon or evening. Usually, before bed time is the best. The duration of time itself is not as important as ensuring that the daily act becomes a habit. However, as a beginning standard, fifteen or twenty minutes is fine. While the child is reading, it is strongly encouraged that a parent should be on his or her side. Every parent should obtain information on how to improve reading skills in children, and must apply it as soon as there is a chance.

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Provide activities for reading

There is one complaint that is common among kids in the aspect of reading, and this has been in existence for quite a while. It is the feeling of being tired, they said it is tiresome to read. It is true, for kids reading is not always an interesting thing. However, parents can make reading exciting instead of being boring. For instance, a parent can give a kid something to read; then in return, a kid can get an award if five out of ten questions are answered correctly concerning the material. Another activity is to let the child read a page aloud; then, the more pages the kid reads, the more award the kid can get. The idea of providing activities for reading is a good contribution on how to improve reading skills in children.

Provide materials for reading

Motivating a child to read, based on the information on how to improve reading skills in children, is not sufficient. Parents should provide the tools to help them in improving the reading habit. There are various materials available today for that purpose. Along with a solid collection of high-quality, age-appropriate books, it can also be helpful to complement the child’s reading selection with a subscription to a for-kids magazine or two. The internet is one example of a nearly infinite reading source; though, if using the web with children, parent supervision and careful instruction have paramount importance.

Mastering how to improve reading skills in children is one skill that a true parent can learn in order to become more than just the person who pays the bills and prepares food for the child. Even if the education system holds some responsibility towards teaching all children to read, without the support of their parents at home, they will certainly not succeed as much as they could have.