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How to Fundraise for Your Non Profit by Thinking “Outside the Box” – 5 New Ideas

The non profit world has become more challenging then ever. How many golf tournaments can golfers attend? How many Bachelor Auctions will women bid on? The competition for such events is steeper then ever.
Thousands of non profits can exsist in one city alone. All have great missions, wonderful goals and there are some wonderful “events” being created out there. But getting people to “attend,” is the challenge.
Fundraisers must think outside the box to create new and innovative ways to get the community behind them and to raise the old mighty dollar.
Here are a few new ways and approaches to consider:

1. Online Auctions: If you have a website (and if you don’t… get one!), you can create a section dedicated to ongoing online auctions. The beauty of this is that is “ongoing,” and can keep your audience coming back to check new and exciting items being added each week or each month.
You can use as few or as many items to start out with, the key here is getting it started. If you have a strong board or group of volunteers, suggest each member bring in 3 items valued at $100 or more towards this fundraising effort. Be sure and create a deadline so your worker bees know how much time they have to come up with their items.
Once items are collected you can then group them together creating a higher value item. For example, let’s say the following items were collected: a manicure/pedicure, lunch for two at Olive Garden, free cut and color from a salon, and an hour massage in your home. These items might be grouped together to create, “The Ahhhh Package.” Interesting names will help get your auction packages initial attention, great value will make the bidding happen. Utilize pay pal on your website for easy payment and be sure to include shipping information.
If your Board of Directors are not so savvy at gathering auction items, there are several companies out there that offer, “auction items as you go” that require no commitment from the non profit unless the item is bid on and purchased. Companies like, www.cmarket.com have some great travel packages. Keep in mind they still have to receive payment in the form of the minimum bid, so your organization’s take on these items will be less then if you secure items on your own. But, what they do offer is the opportunity to make fundraising dollars by focussing on marketing the auction itself, saving the organization the time and effort it would take to secure items on their own.
Once you have the auction ready to go, the real work is “Promotion.”
Now you have to get the “bidders” there to start bidding.
Google free places to advertise on the web. Because this is an “online” effort, you can think outside your own city. You can start there, but remember that people can bid from anywhere. Ask your board members to email 10 people to let them know about the online auction. A little time and effort will lead you to all kinds of place on the web you can let people know about your online auction. Email PSA’s to all local radio stations, they might even agree to be a sponsor of your online auction if you offer them some promotion in return. The beauty of the online auction is that people can participate right from their homes or offices.
(Side note: You can also utilize Ebay and Mission Fish for your online auctions.)

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2. Lots of Small dollars can turn into Big dollars. Want a great way to get your message out while fundraising at the same time? Create an “Awareness” month for companies to participate in. High traffic companies that is, like banks! Provide companies with a poster promoting your efforts. It’s very easy to get printers to donate these, so no expense there. Allow the printer to put an ad on the bottom of the poster to promote, odds are they will be more then willing to donate your posters for free.
Now back to the “Awareness” month itself, get their staff to ask customers to donate $1 to your cause. In return offer customers some type of “thank you” they can print their name on and that the company can post on the wall or actually give the patron to take home. Again, you can work towards getting these donated by offering the printer the opportunity to have their information on the bottom. MDA does this using “Shamrocks” as their thank you.
To get companies on board offer to help promote their fundraising efforts for you via radio PSA’s, your organizations emailing list or e newsletter and search for free spots to post locally on the web in your city. Offer the employee who brings in the most donations a prize. If you can get several branches of bank to participate, offer the winning branch a free lunch on the organization. Give employees some motivation and let them know your organziation wants to give back to them for their help during the “Awareness” month.

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3. Vendor tables at Other events. Find a local event that you KNOW will have high traffic and fundraise from a vendor table. Events might be local Business Expos, Women’s events, Christian events. Look for events that are offering “Vendor” or “Expo” tables. Often they will give you a discount for being non profit. You can create “games of chance” (raffles), a mini silent auction, or even create a game for people to stop and participate in for a donation. Get creative!!! The event’s job is getting the people there, your job is getting them to spend money at your fundraising vendor table while they are there!

4. Partner with companies or events that will donate a percentage of their earnings to your organization. For example, a local jewlery store might donate 5% of their sales to your organization on one given day. They can do an “Awareness” day for your organization, getting them lots of free promotion while helpi9ng you at the same time.
You can help promote along with the store, and its a win win situation.
Other companies that might consider donationg a percentage to your organization for a day or during a certain time frame might be: Coffee shops, Bagel shops, Salons, Spas, and clothing stores. They get promotion and added customers that day, and your organization gets a percentage for helping promote! If you are thinking of approaching events to partner with you, check out Home and Garden Shows, Business Expos, and Conventions.

5. Get a Massage for a good cause! This idea somewhat goes along with fundraising at other events. Instead of using your vendor spot for a silent auction or game of chance, get 2 massage therapists to come out and give $1 a minute chair massages. The therapists can either donate their time or do a 50-50 split with the organization. In the right venue, this can be contagious. Once people “see’ others getting chair massages, you will be surprised to see how fast they will want to get one too! These are just a few of the many ways you can create a buzz for your organization and fundraise at the same time by thinking outside the box.
Hope you have learned a few new tricks from Issue # 1 of “Fundraising Fundamentals ,” please check back soon to catch more new and exciting information on the world of fundraising.
To submit ideas to share with other non profits, please send them to [email protected]
Suzie Vigon

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