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How to Find the Best Tarot Reader

Tarot Readings

The places where you find psychic advice are generally at psychic fairs, online, or at house parties. You can also find them through ads in your local wellness magazine. Here’s a run down on what to look for in each setting.

At the Pyschic Fair

When I read at my first psychic fair, I was coached to do several things by my more experienced psychic friends. I’ll list these for you now so you can look out for them:

–Professional looking table. Your competent tarot reader has set up her table with a tasteful cloth, a professionally produced banner, a brochure or a stack of business cards, her photo, and something on the table that tells you of her experience; you want to see an e-mail address and a phone number, and you want her to share her name, not some mystical nickname. The decorations may include magic-looking items like candles, and statues, to set the mood.

–At the start of the fair, she is already reading for someone. Good readers have repeat customers, and very good readers have people pre-signed up for readings for the first hour or two of the fair. Try to arrive just as the fair opens and look at the sign in sheet for the different readers. Someone who is already booked for the first hour or two deserves your money better than someone staring at you looking desperate when you walk by.

–She uses a tape recorder and has tissue and notepads available to her clients. I offered tapes to every client I read for, and when I touched a nerve, brought out the tissues. A good reader is well prepared not only to give you your reading to take home, but also to manage your reactions while she is reading for you.

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There are plenty of websites that offer tarot readers, not only pages owned by individual readers but also pages where many psychics are listed and their availability is noted on the web page. Some of these group psychic pages include keen.com, psychicaccess.com, and mysticinsight.com. Here are some tips to wading through these.

If you Google tarot readers you will first find readers who have competent webmasters. The webmaster’s job is to get Google to list the reader’s page high up on the list. As you peruse pages (and I suggest you search for readers in your state, province, or locality), look for these things:

–The reader’s full name is on the site. Readers who take themselves seriously do not call themselves Madam Marvel. Also, phone contact information is available.

–The reader’s upcoming fair schedule is listed. Good tarot readers are invited to fairs a lot. There may even be a schedule of house parties or reading evenings.

–The reader’s experience is plainly shown.

If you Google tarot readings you are likely to get sent to a website where many psychics make themselves available on the site. Some are glitzy and some are more moderate in their approach. Here is how to tell that the particular site has good readers.

–There is no tab on the front page for readers to sign up. A site that offers new readers a free chance to sign up is not qualifying the readers. Check into their qualification criteria carefully — if it’s just a matter of signing in, then you are risking getting some person who just bought a book and a deck.

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–The readers’ experience levels are listed. You want someone who understands you, not someone who specializes in some subject that has nothing to do with you.

–Your friends have had a good experience.

–There’s not a lot of advertising for other things, and you don’t get pop ups. A site that is successful doesn’t need added revenue.

At a House Party

A tarot reader has passed some test if he’s been invited to read at a house party. Either the host has had a reading by him, or the host got a really good recommendation from a friend. Either way, show up and offer not to be the first to go in. Pay attention to these:

–The readings are long enough. A good reader spends at least 15-30 minutes with a client to get a full reading done.

–After their readings, people look like they actually got some information. Even though we are trained not to predict death or tell which stock to buy next, we are reading into someone’s life, and a good reader would answer a client’s question whether or not she wants the particular answer.

–You are comfortable with the reader. Meet the reader and shake hands with him. As you look him in the eyes, figure out if you’re comfortable hearing a story from him. It’s okay to decide not to — I assume that people will sometimes choose gender or even ethnicity when choosing a reader. It’s natural. If you’re not comfortable during the reading, then you won’t be able to hear the message.

–The tape recorder, note pads, business cards, and tissue are all available, just like at a fair. An experienced tarot reader leaves you with something to look at or listen to later, as you won’t remember all of the messages coming out in the reading.

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Through Ads

A good ad in any publication shows a photo, the reader’s full name, and a description of his experience.

Notes on Paying for Your Reading

Most readers at fairs or house parties need cash up front or a check. Some take only cash, and the psychic fair tradition is to bring enough to pay for whatever readings you want. A tarot reading is a luxury, so most people will buy one reading and one kind of reading.

I would ask you to be careful of choosing price over experience. The most experienced readers charge the most, and the rest of us charge a little less, but pretty much the same as each other. Instead of buying based on price, look into the reader’s eyes. Can you hear a story from this reader? If so, then your purchase will be a good one.

Final Notes: Get the Best

I hope you get the best experience possible from your reading, and keep the contact information for readers who touch you, as you’ll want your next reading to be from that person. A tarot reading can lead to brilliant insights, life changes, or relief from an unanswered question, and you deserve a reader who is capable of taking good care of you.