Karla News

How to Cut Your Own Hair Into a Bob

Cut Your Own Hair, Cutting Hair

More and more people are trying to save money by cutting their spending on any extras. Although cutting your own hair can seem intimidating, it’s actually easy to do and can help you stick to your budget.

The bob is a great hairstyle. It is easy to maintain and style, can look fun, sexy or professional, looks good on women of any age, and it is easy to cut yourself. If you want to try cutting your own hair, a bob is a great style to start with.

First of all, decide what kind of bob you want. A bob is a style when your hair is nearly uniform all the way around your head, and is usually around chin length. Celebrities who flaunt bobs include Katie Holmes and Rihanna. Although a bob is an iconic style, there are variations to consider. Do you want bangs? If so, blunt or side-swept? Do you want the bob to hit right at your chin or be slightly longer or shorter? Do you want all of your hair to be one length, or do you want some layering? Consider your hair type, how much time you want to put into styling, and what kind of look you want. Click here for help picking what type of bob is best for you and advice on styling your bob.

Next, gather your materials. You will need scissors-they do not have to be expensive haircutting scissors (I bought mine at the dollar store). However, they should be used only for cutting hair. Never use your haircutting scissors on anything other than hair. [If you are more confident, you can also use a razor blade. This works well on bobs IF you have thick straight hair.] If you want a short bob or one that is tapered around your neck with layers, a buzzer can help to give you a cleaner look in the back. Also, you need at least two mirrors. I recommend using your bathroom mirror, and a handheld mirror (again, I bought mine at the dollar store). You need two mirrors so that you can see how it looks in both the front and back.

Now you’re ready to begin. It’s important to have a systematic approach. If you are having thick bangs, then they’re a good place to start. Otherwise, you can start on either side. If you’re cutting more than a couple of inches off of your hair, then it’s a good idea to clip up the top layers and cut the bottom first, then to cut the top. This will help because you’re not trying to cut too much at a time.

If you want a uniform bob, then cut a straight line with just one thick layer all the way around your head. Use the mirror to make sure that your hair is even in the back. Make sure to comb through your hair and shake your head so that you can see any strands you’ve missed.

If you want your bob to flip in slightly at the ends, then cut the inside of your hair slightly shorter than the outside. If you want to style your bob so that it flips out, cut a thin layer of shorter hair on the outside of your hair. This will make it easier to style. Cutting the hair straight through will encourage it to hang straight.

For a lighter, fluffier looking bob, then you will need to add some texture to your hair. Try holding your scissors so that they are angled upwards into your hair and snipping small bits out. Also, you can lift up small segments randomly from on top of your head and trim them to different lengths shorter than the rest. The point is not to make obvious shorter sections, but to cut small amounts of hair that will blend in with the rest, but are lighter and so will add more lift and body to your hair.

Bobs are a versatile and easy style, so be brave, start cutting and enjoy!
