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How to Crochet Curtains

Craft Articles

It is always fun to find new ways to add your own personal style to a room in your home. When you enjoy a hobby such as crochet, there are numerous ways to incorporate that hobby into your home decor. To add warmth and color to any room while giving it a personal touch, you might want to consider using your crochet skills to create curtains.

Making your own curtains with crochet is a simple project but, it does require some planning and a few key items. Here is what you will need to get started.

1. Measuring Tape
2. Double Curtain Rods
3. A shower curtain or curtain backing
4. Yarn ( Amount depends on size of window )
5. Crochet Needle
6. Scissors

Getting Started :
The first thing you will want to do is mount your curtain rods. Be sure to mount sturdy rods properly so the weight of your curtains will not be an issue. Consider how you want the finished look of the curtains to be before mounting your rods. There is a fantastic variety of sturdy rods that you can purchase here.

You will also want to stand back and take a good look at your window before deciding on where to mount the rods. It is important to consider how far above and below the window you want your curtains to hang. Be sure to keep things centered and uniform.

Needed Measurements :
You might think that all you need to get started is the measurement of your window. You will need that measurement of course but, you will also need to measure the circumference of your curtain rod. A third measurement you will need is the space between the very top of your curtain to the point of going up to your curtain rod.

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After writing down all your measurements, you will want to decide on how many panels you want to create for your window. I like to keep things simple and will usually decide on two panels for any window. You do want your window treatments to be both stylish and versatile. If you have an unusually large window you might want to consider making more than two panels to allow for spreading the curtains open in more than one spot.

Choosing Yarn and Fabrics :
The first thing you will want to do when deciding on your yarn and fabric is to decide what type of backing you would like to show through your crochet stitches. I find it is very easy to work with shower curtains for this project as well as any window curtain. There are any number of combinations you could use to really add style to your windows. You might want to consider looking here for some options on shower curtains and window curtains to use as your backing.

After you purchase your backing, you will want to decide on a yarn to use. While any thickness or color will do, my personal preference for crocheting curtains is to use a thicker yarn. It is much easier to create a very thick stitch that allows the backing to show through when using a thicker yarn. I have always had good luck in finding a great match in color by looking for yarn here.

The Crochet Work :
You are going to stitch simple blocks with very loose and open stitches. Start by single stitching the appropriate width measurement. After you have your exact width, double stitch crochet to add length until you reach your desired length for the panel.

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Once you have crocheted all of your panels, you will want to create strips to hook the panels up and around your curtain rods. How many of these strips you crochet will totally depend on the length and weight of your panels. If your panels are heavy and long you will want to create enough strips to leave only four to six inches between each one on your curtains. If your panels are short and light, you can leave as much as eight to ten inches between each strip.

Connect each strip you have crocheted to your panels with single stitches on each end. Be sure to keep everything uniform and as equally spaced as possible. Also, be sure to have strips on each corner of your panels. Spacing of these strips completely depends on size and weight of the panels. Use your best judgment when spacing them and attaching them.

The finished look of your curtains will fully depend on your own personal style and that is exactly what makes this such a fun project. You can add pink crochet panels in front of a wild animal print shower curtain and come up with a very wild look. Or, it is just as easy to add a wide white crochet to a light blue backing to come up with a very romantic look.

The point is to have fun making your home unique and to showcase your talents in crochet at the same time. If you liked this craft and hobby idea, click here to see more of my craft articles.

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