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How to Clean Fake Fur


Fake fur is a fantastic alternative to real fur, but most types must be removed before washing the items they adorn. Fake fur is often used to trim hoods on jackets, and it is sometimes used to embellish suede boots or shoes. It is also used to create stuffed animals and toys, and it does not take long for the material to begin looking dirty and matted. Dirt and grime adhere to the natural oils left behind by the skin, and footwear becomes grimy from ordinary use outdoors. In any case, it is easy to clean and care for fake fur. In a few simple steps, the fibers will be clean, fluffed up, and if the material is not stained beyond help, it can look almost as good as new.

Precautionary Statement

Before using any home remedy or method to clean fake fur, look for a product label. In many cases the item will include cleaning instructions and recommendations. If not, use the following ways to clean fake fur with caution. When unsure, try the suggested cleaning methods in a small inconspicuous area before attempting to clean an entire piece. Otherwise, consult a dry cleaning professional for assistance.

Dry Cleaning with Cornmeal

Cornmeal is a fantastic natural remedy that can be used to dry clean fake fur that is not supposed to be washed with water. Place the fake fur item in a container that has a tight-fitting lid. Cover the item with ground cornmeal, and attach the lid. Gently shake the container for several minutes, and allow the item to remain in the cornmeal for several hours or overnight. Remove the item and shake away the excess cornmeal. Use a dry rag to gently wipe away any that remains. The ground cornmeal will absorb any oil along with the dirt and grime. This natural way to clean fake fur works especially well when cleaning stuffed animals and other plush toys. For best results, give this a try before using cleaning methods that require moisture.

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Try a Damp Rag

When cornmeal will not remove dirt and other grime from fake fur, use a soft damp rag to wipe it down. Dampen an absorbent rag with cool clear water, and gently wipe the fake fur in one direction until the entire piece has been sufficiently cleaned. Allow it to dry completely. Once the material has dried, shake the item to plump up the fake fur and restore the natural fluff.

Spot Clean Using a Baby Wipe

If clear water is not enough to satisfactorily clean fake fur, use baby wipes instead of a rag. The gentle soap and small amount of moisture will help remove spots, dirt, and grime. This method to clean fake fur can be used to spot clean a dirty item, or it can be used to clean an entire piece. Rinsing is not required. After the item dries completely, shake it to restore the natural fluff, and if necessary, use a clean dry rag to gently brush the material and separate the individual fibers.

Fluff up the Fake Fur with a Slicker Brush

If the clean fake fur still does not look good after using all of the aforementioned ideas, use a slicker brush to fluff it up. An ordinary hairbrush will pull out the fibers and not adequately untangle the material. A slicker brush is ideally used to brush a cat, and it emulates their rough tongue used in grooming. When used with care, the slicker brush will help fluff up fake fur while improving the appearance of the clean item.