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How to Build a Trellis on a Porch

A trellis is a structure that is designed to be installed near a climbing plant. As your vines grow, they can be fed in and out of the holes in the trellis to control their direction. Lattice is a popular material for making trellises due to its construction. The wide holes in a piece of lattice allow you to manipulate the plant’s growth without having to worry about breaking a vine by bending it too sharply.

Materials You’ll Need
Treated boards (2-by-2-by-10 ft.)
Lattice sheets (4-by-8 ft.)
Circular saw
Drill with Phillips bit
1/4-inch wood and masonry bits
1/4-inch concrete anchor bolts with plastic expansion sleeves
Nut driver bit
3-inch wood screws
1-inch wood screws
8-foot stepladder
Work gloves
Safety glasses

Step 1
Use your wood bit to drill a hole 1 inch from the end of one of your 2-by-2 boards. Make another hole 6 inches from the first. Make a matching set of holes in three more of the 2-by-2 boards.

Step 2
Hold a 2-by-2 board vertically against the side of the porch. Maneuver the board so that the highest hole in the board is 2 inches from the top of the porch. Use the holes in the wood as guides for your masonry bit. Drill 3 inches into the concrete at both points.

Step 3
Lay the board on the ground. Remove the plastic sleeves from 2 concrete bolts. Use your hammer to drive a plastic sleeve into each hole in the concrete. Hold the wood in place over the prepared holes and drive the bolts through the wood and into the sleeves using the nut driver bit on your drill.

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Step 4
Install another board with concrete anchors 2 feet from the first board. Install a matching set of boards directly across the porch from the first set. Be sure that all of the boards are securely fastened to the concrete porch.

Step 5
Set up your ladder on the porch. Lay a 2-by-2 board across the tops of two of the upright boards so that it spans the porch. Attach the horizontal board to the tops of the vertical boards by driving a 3 inch wood screw through the side of the horizontal and into the top end of each vertical with the Phillips bit on your drill. Attach another 2 inch by 2 inch board across the other two upright boards. Cut the excess wood off of the ends of each horizontal with your circular saw.

Step 6
Hold a piece of lattice up on the outside of a set of vertical posts on the one side of your porch. Drive 1 inch screws through the lattice and into the boards of the frame. Be sure to maintain the 24 inch gap between the boards while attaching the lattice. Drive a screw into the lattice every 18 inches up the frame. Trim off the excess lattice even with the frame boards with your saw.

Step 7
Attach lattice to the frame on the opposite side of the porch. Maintain the 24 inch space between the boards during assembly. Trim the excess lattice with your saw. Attach lattice to the top of the frame and trim to fit to complete the trellis on your porch.

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Work gloves and safety glasses are required when using hand and power tools.
Always be sure your step ladder is opened fully and locked before climbing.
Always maintain 3 points of contact between your body and the ladder when climbing or working at heights.

Concrete Fasteners: How to Attach Wood to Concrete [http://www.concretefasteners.com/diy-articles/using-tapcons-to-attach-wood-flooring.htm]