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Flowering Vines that Grow Fast

Flowering Vines, Vines

Waiting for flowering vines to grow and produce blooms can take what seems like forever. For example, morning glories planted in late spring will not mature and bloom until July or August. Clematis vines will not bloom the first year they are planted, and they do not make very good natural privacy fences. Consider the following flowering vines that grow fast and abundantly, and enjoy a natural blooming wall of privacy and the beauty of flowers within weeks instead of months or years after planting.

Precautionary Statement

Some flowering vines that grow fast are highly invasive. Before making an investment, make sure they are not restricted or prohibited by law in your state or location. Also, some flowering varieties are very strong and can actually damage structures including fences and buildings. Contemplate the types of vines and the areas where they will be planted very carefully before making a commitment. Some plants that grow naturally fast and profusely can be extremely difficult to get rid of once they are mature and well-established.

Fast Growing Shell Plants for Zones Nine and Ten

One of the most unique flowering vines that will grow incredibly fast is the climbing shell plant. This flowering beauty will grow well in zones nine and ten, and it can grow up to an amazing twenty-five feet in height. The unique and exotic looking flowering growths resemble snail shells, hence the name climbing shell plant. The blooms are a combination of lilac, white, and butter cream, and they are absolutely gorgeous flowering plants. The vines grow fast on trellises, latticework, fences, pergolas, and arbors. As an added bonus they are delightfully fragrant, and they are perennials that will grow year after year if conditions are ideal.

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Grow Flowering Honeysuckle in Zones Four to Eight

Another one of the most beautiful flowering vines that grow fast is the honeysuckle. Unlike the climbing shell plant that requires temperatures of forty degrees Fahrenheit or above, honeysuckle vines are perfect for zones four through ten. It will grow up to ten feet in height very fast, and it is available in beautiful shades of yellow, peach, crimson, pink, and white. These popular vines that grow remarkably fast are also highly fragrant. The sweet scent will waft through the air and draw many varieties of butterflies and birds. It can often be smelled by passersby from many feet away.

Grow Trumpet Vines Fast in Zones Four to Nine

When looking for flowering vines that grow fast, consider trumpet vines. Not only do these flowering vines grow very fast, but they also grow quite tall. They can reach amazing heights of forty feet or more. Trumpet vines can literally take over a structure, fence, trellis, or tree, and they produce countless blooms in various shades of red, yellow, orange, and even pink with deep crimson centers. Their bright tubular-shaped blooms will attract a steady stream of hummingbirds, and the flowering vines with woody bases will come back year after year. They will also spread profusely since they drop big pods of seeds everywhere.

Fast Growing Silver Lace for Zones Four to Seven

Another beautiful flowering vine that will grow amazingly fast is silver lace. Appropriately named, silver lace has white blooms that are very lacy and delicate in appearance. They thrive and grow very fast in zones four through eight, and in a single season they can reach heights up to twelve feet. The following season they can reach a total height of thirty feet! When it is planted in early summer, this beautiful vine will begin flowering by early fall. Silver lace looks particularly beautiful on an arbor, but it can also grow on fences, trellises, and pergolas.

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Flowering vines make fantastic natural privacy fences and fast growing works of art. Plant one or more of the aforementioned flowering varieties, and transform an ugly fence, a dead tree, or an empty trellis into a natural composition of blooming art in a fast and easy new way. Flowering vines that grow fast can be used to serve a number of valuable purposes, and they bring a lot of splendor to the landscape, even in the most unsightly locations.

Sources: http://www.naturehills.com


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