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How to Build a Dog House for Puppies

Dog Houses

When building a dog house for puppies there are a few extra things that you need to take into consideration. The whole point of building a dog house is to make sure your pet has a place to be safe, comfortable and protected from the elements. However, puppies have special needs that must be taken into consideration in order to benefit from the home for many years.

Things You’ll Need:

• Blueprint Design

• 2×4’s

• Marker

• Plywood

• Hammer

• Nails

• Saw

Step 1: Choose Your Design

There are many different designs available for dog houses. They come in all shapes and styles from the plain and simple to the extravagant. Decide which style you want to build and obtain the blueprints by searching the Internet or design your own. Choose a design that is suited for the breed of dog you have and the location where you live. This will determine how much insulation you need and the overall design of the dog house.

Step 2: Choose the Right Size

When you’re holding that cute little puppy in your hand it’s hard to think about what he’s going to look like a year from now but that’s exactly what you need to do first. It’s important to make sure the house will still be useable as he grows. Take into consideration the breed of dog and their average adult size and build the dog house a little larger. It should be large enough for him to move around comfortably when standing up as an adult but not so large that he feels insecure.

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Step 3: Gather Together Your Materials

Now that you have a design and know what size you need, you can purchase your materials. Plywood is easy to work with because it’s durable and can easily be cut to size but you can choose any type of wood or other material you want to use. Use the blueprint to mark out your pieces and cut to size.

Step 4: Begin Building

Start by putting the foundation in place. Cut your supports from the 2×4’s and use the hammer and nails to secure them to the foundation. Next, construct the walls and secure them in place attaching them to the supports. When constructing the roof make sure it’s slanted enough for the rain to run off. If your blueprint doesn’t call for it, you still may want to consider attaching the roof with hinges. This will make it easy to lift and clean the house regularly.

Step 5: Add Accessories

Add bedding for comfort and a clear flap for the door to help keep the wind out in the winter. Cedar chips or a thick foam pad is a good option for bedding. Decorate anyway you like but don’t paint the inside of the dog house.

Tips: It’s recommended that you add ventilation to the top part of the dog house and that you raise the house off the ground a few inches so the air will flow underneath. A steady flow of fresh air will keep your dog healthier and discourage the invasion of pest.

Warnings: Never put blankets and similar items in a dog house with puppies. They can get wrapped up in them and suffocate.

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References: http://www.cutepuppydog.com/Howtobuildadoghouse.html