Karla News

Ten Most Needed Items to Donate to an Animal Rescue

Dog Houses, Flea Treatments, Foster Parent, Pet Carriers

Animal Rescue is a rewarding enterprise. Few become involved, but the few who are involved give it their all. Is it enough? Not by a long shot. Rescues are always seeking out donations from outside sources. How can you help? What can you do?

Here are ten of the most needed items an animal rescue needs:

Ten most needed items #1)

Financial support. No rescue will ever turn down any monetary donation. Rescues are the one who financially provide medical care for all the animals they have in their system and let me tell you, it is pricey. Most rescues require adoption fees, yes. However, these adoption fees do not even begin to cover the costs of fully vetting an animal. If you purchase a pet from a breeder, usually the animal is already altered and has had its first shots and rabies. The same goes from adopting from a rescue. The animal has been spayed or neutered, provided first shots, given a rabies vaccination, flea treated, dewormed, groomed, and medicated if need be. Some animals require expensive surgery to repair whatever damage they sustained prior to coming into rescue. We have had surgeries cost in the thousands for several of the animals in our rescue.

But animal rescue is a business and people need to be aware that rescues can rescue smart. They do rescue responsibly.

Ten most needed items #2)

Food. Rescues go through a lot of food per month for their animals. Most rescues intake in animals that are malnourished and in need of a premium food to alleviate allergies skin disorders created by existing off a poor quality food.

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Ten most needed items #3)

Litter. If the rescue intakes cats, litter is a priority as multiple litter boxes are a priority.

Ten most needed items #4)

Foster care parents. Have space in your home; have space in your heart? Become a foster parent for a rescue in your area. By being a foster parent of even just one animal you are freeing up space for one more animal to be intaked into that rescue. One more animal. Just think if you commit along with your friends and family how many animals could be saved? Foster care can be long term or short term. We recently rescued a Peterbald kitten just last week and already she has a forever home.

Ten most needed items #5)

Towels, both the cloth and paper variety. Rescues clean. Rescues clean a lot and cleaning supplies such as paper towels and cloth towels are an in demand item. In addition, sheets and blankets are also high in demand and will not be turned away.

Ten most needed items #7)

Trash bags, newspapers, and plastic bags. I can think of no rescue that does not use these in abundance. Drop some off at your local animal shelter or rescue.

Ten most needed items #8)

Flea treatments. Rescues go through flea treatments quickly. Every animal entering into a rescue is flea treated first. And then monthly thereafter for as long as they remain in rescue or foster care. No rescue, not a reputable one anyways, desires an animal to go to their forever home with fleas.

Ten most needed items #9)

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Dog houses, dog beds, and kennels. No rescue ever has enough pet beds and kennels. If an animal needs to be confined due to an illness then a kennel is necessary. Pet carriers are also high in demand. Recently one of our foster parents went to a garage sale and bought fifty small pet carriers that were covered in rust and grime. A day of cleaning later and they appear brand new. How wonderful is that?

Ten most needed items #10)

Toys and treats. Animals come into rescue from some horrendous situations and have to be socialized. The best way to accomplish that is through play.

Still not sure about committing to helping out a local rescue? How about providing transport? If you are going out of town to visit relatives, check with your local rescue and see if an animal needs to be transported to or from your intended location.